1x11: The Finale pt.2

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"Our next 3 contestants consists of a lover scorned, a star on the rise who fell from grace, and someone who couldn't quite find their footing in the competition. Please welcome Zeke, Tommy, Karyn, and Ginger! The trio are obviously the more excited of the groups, with the crowd screaming wildly for Tommy and Karyn. "As you can see, you all made quite the impression on viewers at home. Why do you think that is?" Billie questioned, handing the mic to Tommy. "Well, I think for the three of us in particular, there's a sense of genuineness that a lot of people don't exactly exude, you know?" He shrugged. Karyn immediately grabbed the mic from him with a cheeky grin. "Honey, we gave them a show! It was so boring when we left, are you kidding me!?" She joked, and the crowd cheered louder. Clearly they agreed. "When it came to game play, you three in particular unfortunately had something in common; every single one of you made like a huge error that kinda came back and, well, bit you in the ass." Billie cackled, making Tommy fake cry and Karyn feign being upset. Ginger nodded in agreement. "Let's start with Ginger. Now, did you think the female alliance would last?"

Ginger immediately shook her head. "To be honest, not exactly. We had the numbers, but I think a lot of people had motives for their motives, you know?"

Karyn jumped it to add on, completely agreeing with Ginger. "I love Tatyana and the girls down, but had I aligned myself with people besides Ryder, no offense, and Brooklyn, I might've had a shot." Karyn explained. Her tone did sound reflective, but not quite regretful. "But let it be known, Tommy and I would've devoured the last three challenges!" Everyone on the stage was in tears. "And sometimes you feel things for people! We were there for like months people, cut me some slack here. I was young, dumb, and I thought in love!" He laughs, poking fun at himself. "Now, Karyn, how did you feel about Amber sending you home in one of the most controversial eliminations of the season?" The host asked while the audience began to ooo.

Karyn rolled her eyes, tossing a bit of hair behind her. "Babyyyy. Karma is a bitch, and his name is Wyatt. So anways..." She trailed off with a smirk. Tommy shot up from his seat applauding her.

"So if you had to choose a winner tonight, who would it be?"

Karyn gave the host an, 'are you serious?' Look. "Wyatt. We underestimated him and he proved allllll our asses wrong.

Tommy nodded. "Agreed. Bias aside, Wyatt has been amazing competition. And above all, he's a good person, so..." He replied with a subtle dig.

"I have to disagree. I think Amber has become a prominent force. It's only right to crown someone who is statistically the best player. Wyatt is one of my best friends in this house and if he wins, I'll happily eat my words again, but man Amber stormed the castle big time. Congrats to her." Zeke acknowledged with a forced smile.

"You three have been, in my opinion, the best interview today!" The host laughed. "And I have a feeling that this isn't the last we've seen of any of you."

"We're just moments away from the finale, so let your voices be heard! Are you Team Amber, Team Wyatt, or Team Judas?"

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