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Karyn, Ginger, Judas, London, And Zeke all sat at a table in complete silence.

"So, thoughts?" Karyn looked around, eyeing each and every one of them. Zeke opened his mouth to say something, but was immediately cut off.

"I think Amber should get the win tonight. She killed it, it's only fair." London shrugged. Ginger slid her head down until she was forehead first on the table, groaning. Karyn brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Here this bitch goes..." She muttered to herself.

"I disagree. I think Oleander was hands down the most unique performance we've seen today. Who else would've  had the idea to sing a song with a puppet of themself?" Zeke pointed out. Ginger poked her head out from arms. "That's true. I was entertained. Confused, but entertained. But I thought Tatyana crushed it. She was hot."

Zeke blushed, struggling the comment off clumsily. "Yeah, uh, s-sure. She's fine. I-I mean she was f-fine." He stuttered. Ginger smirked, wriggling her brows with a taunting grin.

"Amber had full on choreo to Kate Hudson. Its Kate Hudson!" London fired back. Karyn nodded. "Yeah, she might have a point." She muttered, earning an elbow from Ginger. "Really?" She frowned. Karyn raised her hands up defensively. "What? Its THE Kate Hudson!"

"As much as I hate to say it," Judas began, "I think any of them could get it. I'm torn." He admitted.

The conversation ended at a standstill.

"Ladies. Gentleman. It is now time to cast your votes." The voice announced.

Meanwhile, the top five sat awkwardly on the edge of the stage waiting for the votes to come in. "Who do you think they'll pick?" Tatyana asked suddenly, taking the air from the room. Amber tossed her hair, a winning smile on her face. "I think, and I don't want to sound cocky or anything, but I THINK I have this in the bag. I'm feeling good." She boldly announced. Wyatt gave the camera an 'are you serious?' Look before quickly turning his head to Amber. "You think so?" He asked, stirring the pot a bit. "Honestly I think Tatyana and Oleander were for sure the top 2 tonight."

Amber's eyes cut to Wyatt, but she didn't respond.

"I think Zeke should've been in the top." Tatyana finally spoke. Oleander nodded. "Yeah, he was incredible."

(Confession Time)

"Girl. Really? Tatyana did what exactly? Vogue for 3 minutes. I guess that's top worthy. And Oleander did...Nelly Furtado how many years ago? Mama, I have this in the bag." Amber grinned.

(Confession over)

The five voters came back, and Amber sat up confidently.

The intercom crackled yet again.

"Ladies and gentleman, the votes are in. The winner of the talent show....is....







".........Tatyana! Congrats, miss Jackson!" The announcer cheered.

Amber's face dropped.

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