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"Alright! Commercial time!" Tommy excitedly yelped, doing a little dance as he jumped on Wyatt's bed.

The trio seemed to covered with balled up papers and notebooks. Oleander shook his head, tearing out a page and throwing it on the floor. "This is a bit more difficult than I thought it'd be. No offense, but we're all vastly different when it comes to interests. There's no way for any common ground." He snapped with a furrowed brow.

Wyatt nodded. "Yeah. Between gaming, clowns, and that acid trip stunt you pulled at the talent show...I'm stumped. The energy is here. The chemistry is absolutely here. But the ideas...damn!"  As he threw the notebook to the side, he accidentally knocked over his skateboard.

Tommy chuckled at how frustrated they were, until his eyes landed on the skateboard. And then he remembered the 90s commercial music from earlier. Suddenly, a light bulb lit up in his head. "Dudes, I have an idea. But I'm gonna need you guys to trust me on this." He asked, with a wild smile. Wyatt, amused, turned to him. "Depends. What did you have in mind?" He fired back. Tommy picked up Wyatt's skateboard and could hardly contain himself. "How good are you with physical comedy?"

Meanwhile on the other side of the house, Aiden, London, and Judas were also pinning ideas to a board in the middle of the room.

"We could do like a mean girls shtick. I'm sure that's a safe bet for all of us." London finally spoke, playing with her nails. Aiden bit his lip, taking out a pinned note and putting it aside. "No, no. That's too expected. We're getting judged by the same people who couldn't stand us. Playing up how mean we are is just ass kissing. We gotta think a little out of the box..." he sighed, taking out another pin off.

Judas grabbed one of the rejected pins beside him, and re-read it. An intrigued look spead across his face.

"What about...this one. It's DEFINITELY out of the ordinary for us. Plus it sounds kinda cool."

Aiden snatched up the card with an exasperated sigh. But upon reading it, his eyes lit up. It was honestly pretty solid. And of they managed to ham it up a bit, this could work.

"Hmm...okay. We're gonna need a LOT of pink though..."

Ginger and Tatyana seemed to be pretty okay with their idea. It took a while, but this seemed like the best of both their talents.

"I just need you to let loose a little, Ginge." Tatyana noted. "The script is a little meh, but if we make an ass out ourselves, it'll work. Imma push you out your comfort zone, girl!"

Ginger nervously nodded, before taking a deeeep breath.

"Alright Taty. Let's do this shit."

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