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"Fuck off London!" Ryder shot back.

Judas walked over but was stopped by Amber and London.

"You're antagonizing him! Stop it!" Amber scolded, getting an eye roll in return.

"They only like you because you're dumb as fuck, dude. The minute they get to you're fucking out of there. But I'm a hypocrite, right? I'm a fucking hypocrite!?" Ryder barked, trying his hardest to get over to their area. Oleander, Karyn, and Wyatt blocked his path. "YOU'RE a follower! YOU'RE a bitch! And YOU are one of the LAMEST fucking people I've ever met! With that being SAID, fuck ALL THREE OF YOU!" Ryder snapped at the trio of Judas, Amber, and London before storming out to get some air.

The room was too scared to comment.

"Well, that went great." Karyn smirked, taking a sip of her drink. "Karyn, shut up. please." Amber angrily fired off. That set Karyn off. "How about you shut the fuck up, Amber! How about that!?" Karyn shouted as she got up. Amber immediately tried to apologize to no avail. "Girl, bye. You and London's other little minion can bounce! I asked a QUESTION about who we thought did the worst!"

"And you were being messy, girl." Amber exclaimed as if Karyn wasn't hearing a thing.

"If I was being messy, I would've talked about how Tommy voted for Wyatt! If I was messy, I would've talked about the way London plays you two against everyone else because y'all let her! If I was MESSY, I would have called you the weakest with the same tired ass silhouette you got on. THAT'S messy bitch!" Karyn popped off, leaving Amber speechless.

"Okay, well, that's your opinion, sis. I'm not going to stoop to your level, cause it's low enough but..." Amber muttered, taking Judas and London and heading outside.

(Confessional time)

"There's NOTHING I hate more than when a bitch who's messy tries to claim that I was being messy. Was the QUESTION messy? Abso-fucking-lutely, and I'd do it again! But that wasn't my intention. At all. So, fuck her, fuck Judas, fuck London, fuck all of them. I came here to win, and that's exactly what the fuck I'm going to do." Karyn matter-of-factly announced.

(Confessional switch)

"So Tommy voted for me. Interesting. I guess that's why he's been so standoffish. I'm extremely disappointed. I thought he was my friend. I called him family. But...I guess that shit doesn't matter here. It is what it is. This has been...a wake-up call. I need to focus on the win, not the friendships, because CLEARLY everyone's doing the same." Wyatt shrugged off. He was surprisingly calm considering.

(Confessional over)

"You look mad." Oleander whispered worriedly to Wyatt. The green haired boy shrugged. "I'm not. I am honestly kind of hurt. I don't even know why I was even an option up there, but to have someone I consider, well, CONSIDERED a friend is just-" as the Zeke and Oleander try to dismiss Wyatt's statement, Tommy jolts forward.

"It was a dumb fucking decision! I panicked, I did it, it's whatever! You're still here aren't you!?" Tommy retorted, frustrated. "You're acting like I sent you home."

"BUT YOU LITERALLY TRIED TO-!" As Wyatt begins to shout back, he raises his hand up in defense.  "I don't care. I'm not gonna argue and fight for the cameras with you, I'm not gonna get in your face. Whatever man. Just don't sit in my face and LIE." And with that, Wyatt was gone too.

Ginger sat there confused, Brooklyn was over all of it, and Karyn was still kind of pissed from her spat with Amber. It was overall a mess.

"All contestants to the main stage. All contestants to the main stage." The intercom announced. "Michelle Visage is ready now."

Zeke shook his head but took a deep breath as he dusted himself off. "Alright. Moment of truth you guys!"

Everyone slowly but surely made their way out onto the main stage. There was evidently still animosity amongst them. London, Amber, and Judas were in a far corner to the left, Oleander bridged the gap between Tommy and Wyatt, and everyone else filled the middle. Karyn avoided even looking in Amber's direction.

"Alright, clearly there's drama here. But hopefully we can keep this moving. First up, Tommy and Wyatt." Michelle spoke, pursing her lips. Wyatt straightened himself up, but Tommy kind of frowned in response. "I love this look on you Wyatt. It's absolutely fucking creepy, but SO amazing to watch. And that fire swallowing...my god! Incredible!" Michelle praised. Wyatt smiled widely. "Thank you!"

"I take it you have some experiences with the circus?"

Wyatt nods proudly. "Grew up there for most of my life. I work as a standee, ticket counter, the usual. I only ever perform if necessary and uh, this was my first time in like 6 years, so..." he gave a thumbs up and Michelle laughed. "Thank you. Up next, we have Tommy. Now, this is your first time constructing an outfit, yes?" She muttered, looking over her glasses.

Tommy swallowed. "Yeah."

"It kinda showed. It's a little basic. But I do love the design in the caftan. It's nice. I do want to commend you on how decent this look is considering that."  Michelle continues. Tommy was secretly fuming.

"Green...Tatyana and London. You girls both killed it. But I do want to talk to London first. This flapper look is so good on you, you're like a cute little girl!" Michelle smiles.

London does a little Charleston, earning a laugh from Michelle. "I think the construction could have been a LITTLE better, and I definitely wanted more from you, but it's still pretty good nonetheless."

"Now on to Tatyana."

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