The Decision

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"I knew it. I should've known they would have pulled something like this. I just thought...!" Oleander stuttered, frantically pacing the room while the others sat on his bed plotting. Tommy had a hardened look on his face observing the trio of Amber, London, and Judas. "It's obviously a ploy, but it's for sure a smart one. They're either sending Tatyana home or..."

"Please don't say that! There has to be a way to turn this around. What if we send home Tatyana? She's a strong competitor, and we have the numbers to do it." Oleander whispered, desperately trying to come up with something, anything to keep his friend. Wyatt shook his head. "I can't do that to Tatyana. As much as that is a good idea, the girls would never go for it. And besides, we'd be giving them what they want; an advantage for the next game. If we get rid of her, then we're done for. We have to try and get rid of Sayera." Wyatt pointed out, looking around to hesitant but affirmed nods.

"The question is, how are we gonna do that?" Zeke pondered as he tried to calm Oleander down.

Tommy's eyes brightened suddenly, almost like a light bulb went off in his head. "I'll be right back!" He said, dusting himself off and closing the door behind him.

(Confessional time)
"Growing up, I've learned a lot of things. Don't eat the yellow snow, always let your conscious be your guide, and if all else fails... LIE!" He shouted comically.

(Confessional Time Over)

Tommy quickly made his way to London and her crew's room. As he opened the door, it was evident they had been discussing something big because they all immediately froze. London cast an icy glare in Tommy's direction, loudly clearing her throat to get the others' attention. Amber sighed, clearly she was very distraught about her decision. "Hey." She muttered, watching as Tommy shuffled over to sit down on her bed. "Hey, everything alright?" He sighed, displaying a concerned look on his face.

Amber shrugged.

"I don't know honestly. I feel like...I made a good decision...but once this is over, my ass is on the chopping block. Like, there's no point in trying to deny it, everyone's gonna be gunning for me." Amber whined. London tried her best to calm her down, while Tommy silently relished the moment. It was good she was panicking, he just had to keep this going.

"Yeah. I mean, I'll be completely honest with you, I have heard from a few people in the house that they have a bit of a grudge going forward." Tommy convincingly explained in a solemn tone. Judas nodded in agreement. "I'm not surprised honestly. Everyone was BEYOND pissed about it."

"Maybe I can cut a deal, though." Tommy whispered silently. London raised a brow suspiciously. Tommy let a tiny smirk form in the corner of his lips. He finally peaked their interest.

"What did you have in mind?" London whispered back.

"I know the smartest idea would probably be to eliminate Wyatt, but you gotta keep him. And sending Tatyana home would really get people pissed. My best advice is to play it safe." He offered. Ryder scoffed loudly, rolling his eyes. "Bullshit! You just want to save your friend!" He spat. Tommy quickly dismissed Ryder's comment. "Point is, you're already in deep shit. May as well get the least amount of blood on your hand from the girls and the nerds by sending home the weakest link."

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