1x10: The Monster Bash

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Arriving back was...very tense, to say the least. Wyatt, with a loud exasperated sigh, slumped down on the couch, with the trio of Aiden, London, and Judas trailing not too far behind him. "God, what a day!" Wyatt announced out loud only to be met with silence. "I'm glad that's over honestly. That was so stressful."


"So, how does everyone feel about the top 4?"


Annoyed, and extremely tired, Wyatt shrugged, rolling his eyes before shooting himself off the  couch. "Nevermind." He huffed, making his way sluggishly upstairs. As Judas, Aiden, and London crowded around one another. "Sooo, we all agreed that if he wins we're fucked, right?" Judas harshly whispered, earning a curled frown from London. "No shit. We need to be on our A game here. Cause otherwise..." As she mumbled, Aiden quickly cut them off. "We need to get our shit together, and fast. Because he's been excelling at these challenges. I just hope I didn't fuck this up." Aiden sighs, his face visibly worried. If Judas' stare were daggers,  Aiden would be dead.

(Confessional time)

Judas has a clearrrly irritated look on his face as his eyes pierce the camera. There's a long pause before he's ready to say anything. "...Are you fucking kidding me...?" He snaps, nearly slapping his open palm against his forehead.  "Amber is slipping up. And as much as being in the top 3 with my best friends would be amazing...I'm reallly starting to rethink this JudAmLo thing now..." As he trailed off, judas displayed a frown in a small wince, the look of regret flashing rather quickly on his face.

(Confessional over)

"Let's just...sleep on it. Hopefully the next challenge is a popularity vote or something. There's gotta be something this guy isn't good at." London grunted. Aiden didn't seem as convinced.

The next morning, Wyatt happily ran downstairs, bouncing off the walls like an excited puppy. "Whooo! Top 4, top 4, top 4.!" The green haired boy chanted, pumping his fists wildly in the air. Aiden peeked his head around the corner, staring blankly at the display. "Top 4, ready for more." He sang with a bit of a monotone expression. London sauntered downstairs, Judas not too far behind her.

"Can I just say, that personally, this is the top 4 I envisioned since the beginning?" She smiled, barley containing her excitement. The other two agreed, but Judas turned to her rather unconvinced. "Nah, I do think I saw Tatyana here, not gonna lie." He pointed out. Wyatt rolled his eyes, but let the others continue. Begrudgingly, London agreed. "Well I genuinely thought Tommy would've been here as well. Say what you want, but I think he was a strong competitor for sure." Aiden explained. Wyatt flashed the tiniest small upon hearing that. Then the alarm rang. Although this time, it sounded a bit...different.

"What the fuck of this!?" Aiden yelled out, causing laughter amongst the 4. "That sounds like...scary, right? What do you think it means?" London asked with a genuine look of terror. "Mayyybe an acting challenge? Like a horror one?" Wyatt asked openly, scratching his head.

"Boys. Girls. People of any kind. Being a Cutthroat isn't all fun and games and teamwork. It's a competition after all!" The announcer sinisterly called out. Judas nodded egregiously in response. "True." He pointed out. "It's about getting down to the nitty-gritty. And with this top 4, I'm sure none of you have any qualms with that. And that is why, for today's challenge, I'm tasking you with creating an outfit that releases your inner monster. Whichever of you freaks the FREAK out, will receive an automatic spot in the top 3. And as for the losers...you are all automatically up for elimination. Just a little pressure, no big deal." He finished, topping it off with a dramatic 'evil' laughter.

The room was filled with tension.

No one bothered to say a word, barely making eye contact with one another. This was going to be interesting.

"Damn." Judas muttered with a scoff under his breath.

(Confessional time)

"It's another goddamn design challenge. Buuut, this is definitely an interesting concept. Everyone-okay, not EVERYONE, but most of us thrive exponentially in the horror scene. This is gonna be a nail-biting moment, you guys." Judas admits.

(Confessional Switch)

"Am I nervous? Absolutely. There's a LOT riding on...whatever happens here. There's not a shred of doubt it my mind that if I lose, I'm going home. I have to bring my all in this challenge. Period. Anything else is gonna send me home. So the pressure is, to say the least, on." Wyatt frowns, though he lets out a little nervous chuckle towards the end.

(Confessional switch)

"I'm not gonna go into this challenge confident, especially with what happened last week. But I'm STARVING for a win. This has set a fire under my ass. I have so much to prove, not just to this competition, but to myself. I'm THE competition. And it's time to show these dorks why." Aiden hisses, a smirk speaking slowly on his face as his voice drips in confidence.

(Confessional switch)

"This is going to set the tone for the top 3 moving forward. Let that sink in. I have no solo challenge wins, and I REALLLY want a solo challenge win! This is the most hopeful I've been this season. Like, c'mon, I deserve this win. I do! I didn't come here to lose. It's not in my brand." London sassed, cutting her eyes to the camera.

(Confessional over)

While stitching together some of the finishing touches in his masterpiece, Judas stops for a second. It seems as though something slowly starts to set in. A realization of some sort.

"Wait...have I been working for Amber this whole time?" He gasped, falling back on his legs with a shocked face. "Shit! The fans are really gonna kill me, huh?"

(Confessional time)

"...Would it be wrong to...eliminate Amber?" Judas squeaked, shrugging his shoulders hard with this rather goofy expression. "I meaaan, it's a smart move. Like, she's my closest friend here, hands down. But like... I didn't come here to hand someone else all that fucking money. No way. Sooooo...should I do it? You guys want me do you it, right? You guys are like...HOPING I do it, right? No." As he dismissed the idea, there's a moment, just a moment, where Judas' face contorts into that of intrigue.


(Confessional over)

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