1x01 Challenge

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"I'm sorry, I might come off as a bitch, but I'm just gonna say it, that shit is not cool at all." Teyana snapped, glaring at Brooklyn who was clearly getting amused. "What are you so angry for? It was MY decision to walk, just like it was your choice to run and sweat only to get 2nd place, but anyways..." Brooklyn snapped back. A few audible gasps were heard from the group, and a few grumbled in disagreement. "That was uncalled for. I only said that because it  really fucking sucks when you try your best and then you have somebody who is giving minimal effort just to look cool or edgy or something! Karyn busted her ass to finish. Tommy busted his ass to finish. I BUSTED MY ASS TO FINISH! SO FOR YOU AND LONDON TO DO SHIT LIKE THAT, IT'S A DISGRACE TO THE COMPETITION !" Teyana screamed back, causing Brooklyn to roll her eyes again.

Amber took Teyana by the hand and try to pull her away from the fight to no avail.

"You're not even mad at me, you're mad because you lost and now you're scared because you are seen as a threat now. You're mad because you were in the lead but lost to a boy who won purely on dumb luck, and that's why you're screaming in my face like I called you out your name, which I didn't YET. Don't bring that shit over here because you peaked in high-school PE and now you wanna relieve the glory days, bitch."

Without missing a best, Teyana turned back around, but was immediately blocked by Ryder and Judas.

"Send me home then, Brooklyn! PLEASE! If that's what you want to do, if that's the kind of person that you are, and if that's the only way you can get ahead in this game, TAKE. THE. SHOT. Because I promise you, if I'm not out this time, you're out NEXT time. Fucking kids man...no respect!" Teyana shouted angrily, mumbling as she walked towards the other end of the group.

Brooklyn laughed. "Okay, I'll send you home when you can win a challenge, how about that?" She smirked, sitting down the grass with the energy of someone truly unbothered.

"She's kind right though, to be honest. It sucks having to go 100 against someone going like...10, you know?" Amber clarified, attempting to reach out to Brooklyn in a slightly calmer way. The young girl mattered an 'oh my god' before speaking. "WHY DOES WHAT I DO IN A CHALLENGE BOTHER HER SO MUCH!? IT'S THE FIRST DAY! YOU REALLY EXPECT PEOPLE TO GO BALLS TO THE WALLS ON THE FIRST DAY!?" Brooklyn defensively spat back from the ground. Amber raised her hands up in defeat. "Okay, fair enough."

(Confessional Time) "Brooklyn is a cool girl, but I don't think this competition is for her. She's got to understand that there might be challenges where we have to do shit in groups.  Teamwork makes the dreamwork, i thought you knew. Some people want the best of the best in this house for that. And based on what we've seen...London, Brooklyn, Tommy, And Judas are kind of the weakest links. And if I learned anything on the strip, you either put up or shut up. And she did neither, so..." Amber glossed over the camera with a face of disgust before tongue popping.

((Confessional switch))

"So everyone's kinda heated right now, and as they're trying to scheme and fight and console, I really something...I haven't competed yet! It's...insane, because nobody has noticed it, like at all. Mainly because they want to kill each other and it's the first day but still." Zeke snort laughs.

(Confessional Over)

The intercom strikes again.

"Oleander. Amber. Ginger. Zeke. Congrats, you guys are going to compete in the final round."

Everyone slowly begins to turn towards zeke, who waves nervously and attempts to make any eye contact.

"Yeah, part of the little problem with having 13 contestants. So, to make things a little easier for myself and you all, I randomized your names. The last name in my shuffle had the opportunity to watch everything go down, start to finish, and then complete in the final. Surprise!"

Oleander's smile reaches from ear to ear. Ginger let's out barley audible sigh. And Amber looks like she's about to commit murder. Everyone looks pretty shocked, and maybe a little angry that their names weren't the last ones picked

(Confessional time) "Yes! Oh my god! This give Wyatt, Zeke, and I a good advantage for this, so now there's a 50/50 chance for us! And I like those odds right about now." Oleander laughs. And for once, it's not forced or shakey, it's almost completely genuine.

*Confessional Switch*

"What?" Amber questions, using her deeper voice in anger. "You can't be serious. Really? You're gonna give it to ZEKE of all people? Why!? I just want to win the advantage!" Amber continues to whine, almost stomping her feet like a toddler.

(Confessional over)

The four of them made their way over to the starting line. Amber wrapped her sweater tightly around her waist, giving slight side eye to Zeke, who was attempting to do the same, but stopped almost immediately.

The bell rang one last time, and the race was on.

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