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Amber and Wyatt quickly made it downstairs to meet face to face with a short, chubbier dark skinned young woman smiling excitedly at them. "Oh, hey! Nice to meet you too!" She replied with a giggle. She shook both of their hands before looking around. "This is NICE! Imma like it here!" She shouted excitedly. Amber and Wyatt laughed as a response, helping her with her bags. She was a short, somewhat stout dark skinned woman with long curly black hair. Her dark brown eyes scanned the house excitedly. she wore a long sleeve white blouse, a light blue pair of denim shorts, and black converse. It was pretty simple compared to the others, but somehow it just seemed to work. "So, what did I miss?" She asked with a bit of a nudge, and before wyatt could speak, Amber grabbed her by the wrist. "Oh honey, SO much!"

(Confessional time) "what's good everybody! My name is Karyn Fox from Los Angeles, I'm 24 years old, and YES, I know karyn is very ironic considering I have all this melanin magic! But don't let that fool you because I'm about to win this money honey!" She excitedly exclaimed with a snap of her fingers. "Ooh! Bitch, that was so good I feel like a winner already." She smiled as the camerman laughed with her.

"Well, before coming to Cutthroat,  I was a part time vlogger, I'm always wanting to relate to people.  I'm fun, I'm a party animal, but I'm a solid competitor!

(Confessional over)

As she made her way upstairs, London, Tommy, and Ryder exchanged their "hellos" with her. "So what do you think of the house so far?" London asked inquisitively. It was almost like she was looking for something with the way her eyes began to intently study her. Karyn, spotting it almost immediately,  cleared her throat before speaking. "It's cool. I mean everyone seems pretty nice so far, the house is dope as fuck, and I can't wait to start winning some challenges!" Karyn smiled genuinely.  London nodded before looking around for a moment.  "Do you two mind if I talk with these guys for a moment?" London spoke as she motioned to Amber, Wyatt, and Tommy. Ryder rolled his eyes and Karyn raised a brow but said nothing. London, suddenly sensing the tension,  brushed past karyn and Ryder and grabbed Amber's and Wyatt's hands before leaving into a nearby room.

"Uh...did I miss something? Why is she acting like that?" Karyn whispered as Ryder silently began to fume. "Those four have been shady as fuck all day. I came into the house and they jumped on me the second I pointed it out."

The scene flashbacks into Ryder and London's argument. It clearly shows he initiated the argument.

Karyn let out a quiet "shit!" Before Ryder put an arm around her shoulder. "I think we need to form an alliance. It's the only way we're going to last here. They're probably talking about sending us home or something. If we stick together, they're gonna be on their toes the whole time we're here." He whispered with a passion. Karyn nodded, it actually made sense. If those four have been stuck together since ryder and herself arrived there, whose to say they aren't expendable to them?

"So who's the ringleader?" Karyn whispered, remembering how bougie london came off when she made her way to introduce herself .

"Wyatt." Ryder growled angrily. Karyn covered her mouth to refrain from laughing as  she saw the annoyance in Ryder's face.

"That little green haired girl!?"

"That's a boy, Karyn."

Karyn hurriedly made her way down the stairs as she tried hard to refrain from cackling.  As she made her way down the last step, she sat down and put her face in her knees. Ryder came down a few minutes after chuckling at the girl's reaction. "You're gonna get us caught if you keep laugh-" Ryder could barley contain himself as he began laughing as well.

From across the way, the door opened again. This time, a tall, lanky, pale skinned boy arrived, nearly as tall as the door itself.  As he entered the house, Karyn raised her head and eyed him in confusion.  "Chile, what the hell is that...?" She whispered to Ryder.  Ryder just shrugged. "The circus is in town, kids."

The odd thing about this mysterious boy wasn't his pale ghostly skin or his startling blue eyes, it was his hair! It was short, messy, and...well...orange.

He looked around aimlessly for a good four minutes before spotting Karyn and Ryder. He said something before making his way over and hit his head on the doorstop.  Karyn looked on in concern as the tall lanky boy stumbled over to them. He wore a sort of beat up black and white shirt and some stretched out grey skinny jeans. "Hey, uh, was that doorstop there before?" He laughed slightly, rubbing his forehead and karyn and Ryder nodded. "Baby...it's a doorstop. It's always there." Karyn added back with an amused smirk.

There was a long pause. The orange haired boy's face twisted in confusion (and pain). Finally, he spoke.

"Oh shit. No way."

As he nonchalantly stared at the door, karyn let out a laugh so loud it caused Ryder to laugh again so hard he cried. The pale boy laughed too, partly because he was confused, but mainly because Karyn's laugh was so funny.

(Confessional time) "Yo, it's Judas Kurt. I'm  from Salem, Oregon  and I'm a part time actor and youtuber.  I do mukbangs, storytimes, all that shit. I mean, I do get the feeling that I'm going to be much more underestimated than some people, but maybe that's a good thing, you know? I feel like I have what it takes to win this thing, and I'm going to prove that here.

(Confessional over)

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