1x01 Challenge

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Teyana shook herself mentally, watching as Oleander raced to his second bag. As she shuffled over to her second, Ryder blazed past with his first.

Oleander pulled up his bag, but immediately dropped it, sweat pouring down his face like rain. Teyana snatched up her bag with a yell and soon she was off again. Not long after, Ryder tossed his bag over his head like a backpack. Oleander, in a desperate attempt,  launched his bag with a yell, falling over and panting harder than ever before!

What happened next left everyone in shock.

The bag skipped, rolling and tumbling until it slid, dropping hard into the grave like...like a sack of potatoes, hilariously enough.

Teyana and Ryder were silent, turning around to face Oleander in shock.

It went it.

He threw it...

And it went in.

Taking the element of surprise against the other two, Oleander snatched the final bag, dragging it with as much speed as he could muster! The other two quick made their way over to their graves, tossing the bags in at almost the same time.

Oleander, taking his final bag to the grave, and slamming it so hard he had to flinch from the pain, fell down in triumph, crying and laughing in the cold wet grass.

Wyatt and Ezekiel jumped up from their seats whooping and hollering and hugging and screaming hysterically.  Amber, Judas, Brooklyn, Tommy, Sayera, and Ginger all stood up and cheered. Karyn and London weren't as amused, cheering more enthusiastically for Ryder to finish in 2nd.

Ryder and Teyana were neck and neck, edging each other every other second. Finally, teyana lauched her back forward, watching as it hit the bottom of the grave with a heavy 'Thud' followed quickly by Ryder's bag. He grunted in frustration, glaring at Oleander in between his breaths. He had lost. And to Oleander of all people!?

(Confessional) "He got lucky. That's all it was. Pure dumb fucking luck. But this is a competition, and winning ONE round of a challenge doesn't make you a threat. It makes you desperate." Ryder snarled, stomping his foot in frustration.

*Confessional switch*

"Am I happy I lost? Not really,  I'm a little disappointed. But 2nd place isn't so bad! And at least Ryder didn't win either. Lord knows that boy is FUMING right now. But little Oleander killed it. That throw was AMAZING! If I were him, I'd be worried though. Ryder seems like the type to hold a grudge. And something tells me that Oleander has officially made his way onto Ryder's hit list." Teyana huffed, smoothing her hair from her face seamlessly.

*Confessional switch*

I won!? Are you kidding me!? The part first challenge and I did it! Did you see that throw!? Oh my god my mom's gonna see this!" Oleander excitedly shouted, so much so his voice began to crack. "Teyana did such an amazing job too! And Ryder was there the whole time too. Man, this is intense!" He finished warily.

((Confessional over))

"Congratulations Oleander! In a shocking turn of events, you've made it to the next round. Keep it up little guy, you crushed it! Big honorable mention to Teyana too! You are definitely killing it so far! Alright, on to our next group. First name called...


Amber spun around, slowly swishing over to whistles and cheers from the others, but especially from London and Judas.

Next up...Wyatt!

The young boy nodded, jogging over and giving a thumbs up to Amber.

"And lastly...Miss Sayera May!"

A little shaken, Sayera smiled, getting minimal claps from the group as she casually strolled to her mark.

"You better do it Amber!" London admiringly yelled, Judas adding on with a 'whoop!'

"Wyatt's got this, YOU GOT THIS MAN!" Zeke shouted getting a few unintentional laughs from the group.

Interestingly enough, no one particularly cheered for Sayera.

The bell went off, and Wyatt was gone. Amber was surprisingly not too far from him. While Sayera...was dead last.

(Confessional) "I'm looking at Wyatt. Okay, he's in the lead doing the damn thing. Amber's coming up from behind, in boots and a fucking corset which... how are you even alive right now!? And then there's Sayera. She's like...floating. she's not fast, she's not slow, she just floating. Do you know where you are right now!?" Tommy chuckled, eyes bulged in pure disbelief.

((Confessional Over))

Wyatt struggled a bit under the bars, which caused Amber to quickly close the gap between them. Pretty soon, she was ahead, a cherry colored blur sprinting towards the monkey bars


"I'm a drag queen in California! Do you think girls like me have time to just sashay over to every gig I get? Fuck no! Bitch I'm sprinting in high heels, boots, kitten heels, wedges, whatever I got to do to get to the coins doll! Also...it kinda helps when your dad was a veteran in the Army. Let's just say...this is a blessing in disguise." Amber grinned devilishly at the camera.

*Confessional Switch*
"I'm rooting for wyatt 1000% but I have to say, Amber is killing it! Anyone else would've passed out in a corset, but she's CRUSHING this thing. Even if she doesn't win, I'm betting she'll make a great ally in the long run." Tommy pointed out with shrug. "She's got heart."

(Confessional over)

Amber and Wyatt reached the monkey bars at the same time, but it was clear that it was a bit easier for Wyatt. Still, Amber was almost in perfect, but slightly slower sync. This was going to be a photo finish.

Sayera however was still crawling under the bars. It was evident her battle was over.

Wyatt cleared the bars in seconds, landing and heading towards the tires without missing a beat. Amber dropped mere seconds after with a sudden second wind.

As they reached the tires, Wyatt stumbled a bit here and there, only ever completely falling once. Unfortunately, one time was all it took, as Amber completely left him behind.

After beasting through the tires, Amber jumped up, crawling like a spider-monkey up the rope, using her weight and shifting the rope for a moment, until finally she could launch herself forward.

Wyatt used this opportunity to jump forward, swing himself only once, and lauch through the air!

Both landed simultaneously with a heavy thud.

As they made their way running towards the bags, Amber's leg gave out from her boots, causing her to stumble, and for wyatt to gain the upper hand.

The spectating contestants were on the edge of their seats.

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