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"Wait!" Amber calls out, wiping a trail of sweat from her forehead. Her plea, unsurprisingly, goes unnoticed, as Wyatt and Ginger begin hauling ass, their breathing and pounding of their feet the only thing truly making any notices anymore. "No time! I can see the finish line! We're close!" Wyatt calls out, diving and dipping as the hunger in his eyes grew. Or maybe it was desperation.

"It's serious! If we win, we're gonna have to choose someone to go home!" Amber calls out. The world goes quiet. Wyatt stumbles a bit, the words hitting his ears and apparently smacking Ginger in the face as well. The three go silent, hesitantly turning towards one another.

"...I take it no one here is gunning for the same person?" Ginger muttered under her breath. Wyatt let out a scoff, placing his hands on his knees in an attempt to get air in his lungs again. "N...not a chance..." he huffs, earning a silent swear from Amber. "Goddammit!"

Amber takes a moment to recollect, feeling the burning in her lungs as she beings to struggle to find words. "He did say...the person who's pulled their weight the most...wins..." As she says this between breaths, Ginger places her hands on her hips. "So. Who gets that?" She snaps.

More silence.

(*Confessional Time*)

As much as Wyatt's been doing surprisingly well, I think it's time the girls gathered some more wins! Amber sure as hell isn't getting it. Lord knows how unpredictable she is. I'd nominate myself, send Oleander home, and everybody moves on. Sounds fair to me if he's just gonna give up and not fight anymore. Everyone else is busting our asses sans London, so either of those two can kick rocks. This is a competition for the best of the best, not the meh of the best." Ginger assertively stated, crossing her arms rather proudly.

(*Confessional Switch*)

"There's NO way in hell I'm not leaving this with that MVP status!" Amber scowled. "I've pulled my weight, if not more, tonight in this challenge! Plus, with another win under JudAmLo's belt, it could give us that fire back from the first week. I'm not gonna lie, I'm nervous about our...longevity in this competition, and any chance to save my numbers, I'm gonna take it. Sorry. Who am I choosing to send home? I mean, no offense, but what exactly has Tommy been doing? Better yet, what has Karyn been doing? How gaggy do you think a double elimination would be tonight? Hmmm..." Amber paused, faking a look that made her seem deep in thought.

(*Confessional Time*)

"I want to win the challenge, make no mistake about that. But MVP? They can make fools out of themselves if they want, just leave me out of it! I've been doing crazy well these past few weeks, so making myself MVP is putting an already sizeable target on my back. So what I'm gonna do is fall back on this and let Ginge and Amber duke it out. It's not the smartest move, but it's the safest. And right now I want to save my own skin before saving someone else's. If I do get the power by some god awful reason, Tatyana's outta here, no if, ands, or buts about it. She played to hard to soon, now it's gonna bite her in the ass." Wyatt shrugs, leaning back in his chair rather dismissively.

(*Confessional Over*)

Meanwhile Tommy, Karyn, and London have taken a slight breathing break, a few feet away from the finish line.

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