1x01 Elimination pt 2

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"Everyone, please head backyard at this moment. The council has made their decision."

As the announcement broke through the  intercom, Wyatt let out a silent exhale, watching oleander nervously make his way downstairs. Tommy quickly followed after, awkwardly checking with zeke here and there. Meanwhile, the girls were down in their best outfits, looking around with a mix of annoyance, stress, and slight concern. The boys, realizing they were completely underdressed and still in their pajamas, avoided eye contact in embarrassment.

"Where the hell is Ryder? He's not exactly safe from the nominations either." Brooklyn pointed out, smoothing out her royal blue lace dress. Tommy scoffed, turning over lazily to face her. "It's kinda hard having to worry when you're brown-nosing the winner." He snapped with a heavy eye roll. "Do you think he's playing a little too hard for the first round, though? I understand being the winning team and all, but it's a little...desperate, right?" Oleander asks, a slightly frazzled look still on his face. Ezekiel nodded in agreement. "The only person who won was Amber, the others just so happened to be on the winning side. The rest of us are just...sitting ducks." He grunted, growing more and more irritated.

"So we all agree. If any of us win, those four are next to go." Wyatt pointedly called out, adding emphasis to ensure they might have heard.

(Confessional time) "girlll...the bitterness around the room is EVERYTHING.  Honestly, as long as it's not me in the way of that witch hunt! But, on the other hand, those four morons up there are my alliance members so I do want to talk to them after this. Oops!" Karyn smirks, shrugging nonchalantly to the camera.

*confessional switch*

"I'm sitting here, trying not to blow a fucking casket because it's taking them FOREVER  to come down." Wyatt sighs, rolling his eyes in utter disbelief.  "It's childish, it's totally unprofessional, and I'm honestly over it. Just hurry up, send me home, and call it a fucking night." Wyatt snapped.

*confessional over*

After what seems like hours, there were footsteps and laughter through the house. Downstairs, many were incredibly furious, a few were asleep, and others began to make their way towards the kitchen. Amber was the first to make her way down,  a vicious smile on her face as her heels made contact with the final step. Wyatt was the first to speak up.

"Are you kidding!? This was extremely uncalled for! We've been waiting for hours down here. It's not fair to any of us." Wyatt explained, trying his best to keep some form of composure to no avail.  Amber shrugged playing with her sea foam green hair. "I don't really see how that's my problem." And with those whispered harsh words, she was off .

"gente estúpida de mierda" Wyatt snarled quietly to himself before he slumped back down on the couch. Amber and Judas whispered as they made their way down to the glaring faces of the others. London, wearing Amber's entrance look wig, wore a slick white and gold fur coat and a matching white and black corset and shorts to match, Judas wore black and white long sleeve open buttoned shirt, and a mustard yellow pants, cheesily grinning along with Amber. Ryder was the last to make his way down, a white formal shirt tucked neatly in his black jeans.

"Fucking finally." Ginger harshly whispered, nudging Karyn who had fallen asleep on her shoulder.

"Alright. I'll keep this pretty simple. This is after all our first elimination process, and I know everyone's really nervous so I'm gonna make this as painless as a can for the three we've chosen." Amber stated, and for once, she was deadpanned, a serious look carved into her face almost permanently.

"The first person I've chosen is Sayera."

Sayera, slightly disoriented after waking up, let out a soft gasp, looking around for any support. Unfortunately, there was none.

"The second person I've chosen is Teyana."

With an eye roll, Teyana scoffed and let out a little 'I knew it' before closing her eyes yet again, turning her back towards the group.

"The third name is...it's very difficult to pick this person. I'll just say beforehand that this is in no way meant to be personal, it's just the name of the game, with that being said, I have chosen..."

As Amber pauses, a tear rolls down Oleander's cheek. Wyatt sighs, bracing for impact in case things get a bit messy. The girls are on pins and needles, and Ezekiel is staring daggers at the four standing before him.

Finally, Amber speaks.

"I've chosen Wyatt."

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