1x01 Results

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Zeke immediately took the lead, but Amber and Ginger were right behind him. Oleander was a little slower, but not by much as he was slowly beginning to close the gap. As they made their way under the bars, Amber took the lead. With ginger hot on the trail and oleander passing zeke on the end, the other contestants were beginning to grow nervous.

(Confessional time) "I'm PRAYING that Amber wins this thing! If oleander or zeke win, there's not a single doubt in my mind they might send me or Ryder home. And as much as I really can't stand the idiot, he's definitely the muscles behind this whole thing. And Ginger is way too unpredictable at the moment, which could definitely fuck up any future plans I have prior. This is going to be a close call." London sneers, though for a moment she is clearly worried.

*Confessional over*

Amber zooms through the monkey bars with relative ease, though she does stumble a bit, resulting in ginger passing her by. Oleander is closing the gap, catching up to amber, but not quite enough to pass her. Zeke struggles a bit with the monkey bars, but eventually finds his footing and finishes.

Oleander, remembering his slip-up from last time, manages to do pretty well the second time around, picking up enough speed to pass Amber, who had slowly began to slow down. Ginger breezed through with relative ease, only with the occasional stumble or two, but still finishing first.

Tommy was beginning to feel antsy. Teyana, Ryder, Sayera, and Karyn cheered on Ginger. Amber was pissed. Judas, much to Amber's chagrin, began to cheer on Oleander, gaining a warm smile from Wyatt. Brooklyn just seemed over the whole thing.

As Ginger made her way over to the rope, a short lemon haired boy by the name of Oleander immediately zoomed by her, catching the red head by surprise.  He used the momentum, and jumped, crossing the hole in quick speed! Ginger began to climb up her rope as Amber and Zeke arrived, beginning to do the same. Ginger threw herself foward, immediately followed by Amber and then Zeke, who was an inch short of falling in. By this point, Amber ripped off, grabbing the first bag she saw and Oleander tossed his first bag in. Ginger grabbed her first bag and followed soon after, nearly knocking over Zeke! Amber carries her bag as she begins to grow redder in the face. As she throws her bag into the hole, she lets out a heavy exhale.

Zeke, attempting to gain an upper hand, grabs two bags before immediately falling down. Amber and Ryder smile on in amusement.

That Is, until he slowly begins to get up.

Slowly, Zeke begins to drag the bags towards his grave hole.

Oleander returns, but upon seeing zeke dragging the bags, he smiles before getting another bag of his own. Ginger, previously throwing her first bag in, watches in worry as Zeke grows closer and closer towards his grave. This moment of hesitation is dashed as Amber surprisingly grabs two bags as well!

Ginger, still a bit tired, grabs two bags, but freezes.

(Confessional) " I'm thinking to myself that if I grab both of my bags, I could probably win this. But Oleander is in the lead right now, so I don't think I should risk it. But he's also staring to tire out. What's a girl to do?" Ginger huffs in pure frustration. "Fuck this challenge, seriously."

*Confessional switch* As I'm throwing my second bag, my brain and my body become one entity for a second and it realizes, 'hey! You've pretty much done this TWICE! With little to no athletic prowess besides being short and fast. I think it's time for you to stop!" Oleander chuckles weakly, shaking his head.
*Confessional Over*

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