7 - Why'd you do it?

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Todoroki's POV:

"Why'd you do it???"

I looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with him. Tears streamed down my face again.

"I....." I paused, taking a shaky breath. "I got a call....fr-from my father, and.....he started screaming at me.....calling me all these things......and it just hurt because.....because......."


"Because they're all true...... Every last one of them......... He's right about me........ I'm useless.........weak...... I can't fucking do anything right..." I wiped my eyes, my hands shaking. I sat up, letting my feet dangle off the side of the bed, and began to subconsciously trace my fingers over my wrist. "I'm just.....fucking worthless..."

"Todoroki..... Stop......"

"Why should I?" I began scratching my wrist slightly. "I'm just telling the truth."

"No, you're not, you just think you are. But that doesn't make it tru-"

"Yes it does." I said sternly, scratching my wrist harder. "I'm nothing but-"

"A fucking human being Todoroki!!! You don't have to be perfect!!! You don't have to be indestructible!!! You don't have to be emotionless!!! You don't have to be everything he wants you to be!!! But telling yourself those things is only making things worse for yourself!!! Look what it fucking made you do to yourself!!! You can't fucking do that!!! You can't just fucking cut yourself and think that's gonna make things better!!! You can't just let yourself slowly fucking die like this!!!!!!"

"Then why do I want to?"


"You say I can't just let myself die... But is that really so bad? Would it really fucking matter? At all? It wouldn't, would it? I'd just be gone. And things-" my voice broke and I dug my fingernails back into my wrist harshly, scratching at the bandages. "Things would be better.... Right? For me and for everyone involved.... Right?!?! You don't have to lie to me Bakugo... You don't have to help me... You could just let me die... And everything would be fucking better!!! For everyone!!!"

"You're wrong!!! It wouldn't be!!! Damnit IcyHot...." He sighed and lowered his voice. "You're the one who called me, remember? I don't think you really want to die. If you did, you wouldn't have asked for my help."

"I made a mistake, okay?! I shouldn't have called you. I should've just let myself bleed out and fucking die. Even if they may not have been deep enough to kill me, maybe there was at least a slim chance I'd get what I wanted. All I want is to escape this hell. I just want to stop feeling pain. Is that too much to ask for?"

"No. But that's not the way. You don't want to die. You view dying as your only option."

"Because it is-"

"No, Todoroki. It's not. Okay?"

"Why not?"

"It's just not, I don't owe you an explanation just trust me on this!!! I promise..."

"I...." I looked down again, contemplating.

Maybe he's right...

But what about what endeavor said....


He's just trying to make me feel better....

He's just pretending...

Is he?

"I guess so....."


He's faking it

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