50 - Consequences

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Todoroki's POV:

I left the dorms. A few people tried to talk to me as I was leaving, but I ignored them and just left.

As soon as I was off campus I took a deep breath of the cold morning air and sat down at an empty part of the sidewalk. It was still pretty early, so there weren't many people walking around.

I took my bag off my back and rummaged through it, pulling out the bag of pills and shoved a pack of cigarettes into my pocket.

I opened the bag and took about six or seven of them, then quickly put the bag back.

I put my bag on my back and stood up, walking away. I took out the pack of cigarettes and lit one, shoving the rest back in my pocket.

I took one long drag on it and exhaled slowly, feeling myself relax as I did so. I repeated this for about fifteen minutes until the cigarette was gone.

I lit another.

Bakugo will be mad if I come back totally high out of my mind

But I don't really care

What's he gonna do about it?

Endeavor got on my nerves and I'm allowed to cope with that however I want

You know what I'm gonna call him right now

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed his number clumsily, feeling a bit unsteady on my feet.

The pills must be kicking in


I held the phone to my ear and waited for him to pick up, stumbling as I walked along the sidewalk. He picked up quickly.

"What do you want?" He asked, sounding angry and annoyed.

"I just wanted to tell you that you ruined my life and I hate you and I'll come to your stupid training but I still fucking hate you and I-"

"You're on drugs again aren't you?!?! Don't you dare speak to me tha-"

"No shush shut up let me.... let me.... let me finish okayyyy?" I stumbled over my words and talked slowly, slurring my sentences. "I just want you to know that you're a piece of shit and I fucking hate your guts and you deserve to die so.... yeah..... ha ha."

"On second thought, any chance you could come for training right now?"

"You know what? Bring it on, I'll beat your ass!!!"

"You're far too weak to even land a single hit on me!!!"

"Bullshit, I'll.... I'll kill you...."

"Tch. Yeah sure. I'll be waiting."


I chucked my phone at the sidewalk and yelled in frustration.

"That asshole thinks he can just do whatever he wants...But I'll... I'll show him....."

I picked up my phone, which was now shattered beyond recognition, and shoved it in my pocket.

I was pretty close to my house already, so it didn't take me long to get there. I was unsteady on my feet though and felt physically light and numb. I was high out if my mind and my breath smelled like cigarettes, but a part of me didn't care. I just needed to lash out at someone, and since he was the one I was pissed at it had to be him.

I arrived at my house and walked inside, taking my bag up to my room and hiding it so he didn't look through it. I walked downstairs and went directly to the training room, honestly almost falling down the stairs on my way. I laughed it off and entered the training room.

Numb ---- Suicidal Todoroki x Bakugo----[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now