47 - Hurt

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*mixed votes for what to do so I'm just gonna do a small time skip so he gets to go with Bakugo AND got hospital treatment and I hope everyone's ok with that*

***time skip : two weeks***

Todoroki's POV:

I opened my eyes to a familiar room: white and dull. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

I think I fell asleep around 3:00

I probably got about five hours of sleep

But that's more than I'm used to

So I'll take it

"How'd you sleep?"

I looked over to see Bakugo sitting next to me on his phone.

"Fine, but what are you doing here? Visiting hours aren't until 9:00 I thought."

He smiled and put his phone away.

"It's noon." He stood up and put his hands in his pockets.

"Oh shit, I guess I slept a long time."

9 hours


"That's okay, you need it. Anyways, you get to leave here pretty soon, right?"

"Depends. I have a psychiatric and physical evaluation tomorrow. If I do well then yes, I get to return home."

"Good. Everyone's going beserk."

"What do you mean?"

"Back at the dorms. Every one keeps asking me about you all the time. They're all still really worried."


"Don't worry I didn't give them any details. But just so you're prepared, they're all gonna want to talk to you as soon as you get back. You'll probably get stopped as soon as you walk into the dorms, and they're all gonna want an explanation or a story or something."

"Eh. They don't need one."

"You've been gone for two weeks, and before that you haven't been in class for a couple months. If it weren't for Aizawa vouching for you, you'd probably be expelled by now."

I sighed.

"Why am I even still going to U.A.?"


"What's the point?"

"But you want to be a hero right?"

I sighed.

"I don't know. It's always been my father's dream, not mine. I wanted to do it without using my fire, just to spite him. But I've gotten over that now. I don't want to prove him wrong or make him angry like I used to. I want nothing to do with him. And since he's the reason I got into U.A., maybe dropping out would give me some closure, and I could move on."


"I'm tired of him tying me down. There are plenty of ways I could help people, I can figure something out. But going to U.A. and training to be a hero just reminds me of my training at home, and I'm tired of being reminded of all that."

He looked down, almost sadly.

"Can't argue with that I guess."

"What's wrong?"


"You seem sad about it."

"Oh, well I dunno. I'm not necessarily sad about it, but you wouldn't be living at the dorms anymore, right?"

Numb ---- Suicidal Todoroki x Bakugo----[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now