57 - Force

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Bakugo's POV:

We got back to the dorms soon enough and went up to my room. I sat down, but he paced frantically.

"Sit down, try to relax a bit."

"Where's my bag?" He asked, ignoring my request.

"Do you really think you shou-"

"Where is it?"

I sighed sadly.

He can't help it

"By the bathroom door I think. But pick either ONE pill or ONE cigarette. No more than that."

"Fine whatever."

He crouched down next to the bag and shakily took out a pack of cigarettes, lighting one and tossing the rest onto the bed.

"Ah, fuck it it's been awhile." I took one out of the pack and had him light it for me, along with his. I inhaled on it slowly, feeling a sense of extreme relief when I exhaled.

I forgot how much I missed that

I snapped back to the moment.

"So what happened?"

"I..." He took a deep breath, then a hit on his cigarette. "I ran into..m-my mom...."

My stomach dropped.

"No way... What..... What happened?"

He sighed.

"She asked if we could talk over some food. I pretty much ran away and said I'd call her. I guess a freaked out a bit."

"No not a bit. That was definitely a severe panic attack."

"Well... Whatever...."

"Aren't you glad to see her though? After all this time?"

"I... I dunno.... I'm having trouble processing it. I want to see her but..... I'm afraid...."

"How so?"

"Because I know..... the sight of me only brings her pain...and trauma.... and bad memories...."

His eyes filed with tears.

"Hey, it's okay.... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cr-"

"No no... it's okay..... it's just the.... smoke in my eyes.... that's all..." He covered his eyes with his hair, standing up. "I'll be back."

"What? Where are you going?"

"To buy alcohol. Want anything?"

"You're not 21."

"Nope." He took out a fake I.D. and showed it to me, grinning sarcastically. "I'm 22 actually."

I sighed.


He stopped.


I walked up to him and took his phone out of his pocket.

"I'll call her."


"I'll set a day for you guys to catch up. You need to see her."


"Because....She's..." I sighed. "She's the only one who knows what it's like. All the trauma from your da-" I corrected myself. "Endeavor. She's the only one who truly understands what you went through. You need to talk to her."

He looked down.

"Fine. But..."


He sighed, staring at the floor.

Numb ---- Suicidal Todoroki x Bakugo----[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now