42 - Emergency

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Bakugo's POV:

I flung the bathroom door open and almost collapsed when I saw him. The first thing I saw was just red. Everywhere.

My eyes teared up, and I felt tears pouring down my face.

I frantically grabbed as many bandages as I could find and fell to the floor next to him. I could tell from his eyes he was too out of it to be responsive right now. Partially from the drugs, partially from the blood loss.

I wrapped them quickly and tightly, multiples times around, stuffing in large gauze pads wherever I could. I knew it wouldn't be enough. He'd need stitches for sure.

Once I had them wrapped the best I could, I took out my phone and dialed Mr. Aizawa.

Please be awake


I swear to god if this is the one time you don't work nightshift...

He picked up and I put him on speaker, setting the phone down and continuing to wrap the cuts over and over again.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"I need you to come over here.... like ri...right now......" I said, gasping for air in between words. I felt myself panicking.

"Why? Is everything okay?"

"No.... N-N-No it's not..... It's Todoroki.... Please just come s-soon... bring Recovery Girl if you can..... Please......"

"I'm on my way right now, I'll bring her with me. What state is he in?"

"It's..... It's bad..... Just..... Please come as fast as you can..... I've done all I can do...... Please ...."

"I'm on my way. Stay with him." He hung up and I sat there, not knowing what else to do.


I looked down at him, he was slipping in and out of consciousness. I wrapped my arm underneath him and held him up, shaking him a bit so he would stay conscious.

"Hey, can you hear me at all? Hey....I need you to stay awake okay? I need you to stay awake for me. Can you do that?"

It was faint, but he nodded slightly.

"Okay." I nodded. "Can you talk at all? Just a noise will help, I just need to know that you're awake. Can you talk to me? Please? At least try."

He opened his mouth to talk, but he began to cough abruptly, gasping for air frantically.

"Hey, it's ok... Don't panic.... Please don't panic..... It'll be fine..... I-I-I promise, j-just....... Just please hang on okay? They're on their way to help.... Okay?"

He nodded again, but was still breathing quickly.

"Hey look at me, look at me. Take deep breaths okay? Okay?"

He nodded and took shaky, deep breaths.

A few seconds later I heard the door open, followed by the bathroom door. Aizawa ushered me aside and Recovery Girl entered the bathroom, grabbing his arms and removing the bandages I had given him, which had already bled through completely.

"I'll do what I can to stop most of the bleeding, but there isn't a whole lot I can do without medical equipment. He'll need stitches either way, and even this won't stop the bleeding entirely. I suggest calling an ambulance."

Aizawa started to speak, but I interrupted.

"I've got it."

"Bakugo, it's ok I can handle-"

Numb ---- Suicidal Todoroki x Bakugo----[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now