45 - Real

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Todoroki's POV:

After he spoke, Aizawa walked in quietly. Bakugo scooted away awkwardly, but still remained seated on the side of the bed. I pulled his hand to where it was hidden under the blanket and held it where Aizawa couldn't see.

"How are you feeling?" Aizawa asked.

"I'm a bit dizzy, but otherwise I'm fine."

He sighed.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"About what?"

"What happened?"

"Oh..... Um....... I don't really know...... It just happened....."

"What do you mean?"

"It was like.... subconscious I guess..... like I knew I was doing it.... but I didn't feel anything......then when I realized what I did I called Bakugo.....and banged on the door...... and then I don't remember anything after that....."

"Well you're lucky he got you help."

"Why? I've don't stuff like this before and been fine?"

"Because if he hadn't gotten Recovery Girl to you, you would've died within two minutes."

"Oh.... That bad?"

He nodded sadly. I felt Bakugo's hand shaking in mine, badly. I squeezed it to get his attention, asking if he was okay under my breath--mostly just mouthing the words. He seemed a bit startled, or like he had been trying to hold himself together. He just squeezed my hand, then released it. He stood up.

"I'll be right back...." He muttered shakily, walking out of the room.

"Hey, Todoroki."


"Be sure to check on Bakugo a lot. He's....." He trailed off. "This has just been really hard for him.... I've never seen him so panicked..... all the time...... He really does try to keep his emotions hidden...... But I can see through it..... And I'm sure you can too...... He's just under a lot of stress and he's really unstable right now, and he's gonna try his best to hide it I know. But don't let him. He needs to break that habit. Even if you have to force him to open up to you, or he doesn't open up until he's at his absolute lowest. He just..... He needs to know that emotions aren't..... They aren't weakness......"

I looked down.

"I've noticed it too..... I'll try to talk to him......"

"Okay..... And hey,"

I looked up at him.

"I've never seen him care about someone so much before. He....." He looked down. "He really was in a lot of pain."

"I'm sorry...."

"Don't apologize. Just know."

"Know what?"

"You're not doing this alone. None of us are gonna let you do this alone, and I can damn well guarantee that he won't ever let you think you're alone ever again."

I smiled a bit and nodded, looking down awkwardly.

"Thank you."

He nodded and stood up.

"I'm gonna go check on Bakugo. You okay if I leave for a minute or two?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you."

He nodded and walked out the door.

Bakugo's POV:

I walked out of the room and into the hall, pushing people out of my way until I reached the bathroom. It was entirely empty, so I locked the main door and stood in front of a sink. My whole body was shaking, and I grabbed the sides of the sink to maintain my balance.

Numb ---- Suicidal Todoroki x Bakugo----[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now