40 - Addiction

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Todoroki's POV:

Bakugo fell asleep only a few minutes after waking up.

I know he didn't mean those things he just said to me

But it still hurts



"Call me when he wakes up okay?"

"Okay? But where are you going?"

"To the dorms."



"I just want some alone time and rest. A sort of mental break I suppose." I walked towards the door.


I stopped, turning a bit.


He hesitated.

"We'll.... talk about this more later.... ok?"


"Don't be a stranger ok?"

"What do you mean? I know I'm not particularly experienced with social relations and such, but I figured we were already aquatinted at the very leas-"

"No no no, I know that.... It's an expression Todoroki, just.... Don't distance yourself too much..... okay?"

"Oh.... I suppose....." I grabbed the door handle.



He sighed.

"You can always come talk to me. We're not strangers.... remember?"

I looked down at the ground.

"Mhm." I hummed under my breath, acknowledging his statement without giving a real response.

I left the room.

I appreciate it Midoriya....

I shoved my hands in my pockets.

But some people are just meant to be alone...

I reached into my back pocket and found a carton of cigarettes.

When did I get these?

Maybe the other day when I was high?

I don't quite remember that much....

But oh well...

I took one out and shoved the rest in my pocket, lighting it with my finger.

I'm not complaining....

I brought it to my lips and took the longest drag I possibly could, a solid 15 to 20 seconds of direct lung.

I exhaled, feeling as if a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

But it wasn't enough. The feeling faded quickly. I needed more.

I inhaled again

And again

And again

And again

I hardly felt anything. I chucked the cigarette on the ground out of frustration and stomped on it, my hands trembling intensely as I picked up the pace.

I need those pills

I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked as fast as I could to the dorms.

Numb ---- Suicidal Todoroki x Bakugo----[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now