60 - Commitment

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Todoroki's POV:

I informed Aizawa that I was dropping out immediately the next day. He understood completely and informed Principal Nezu. It was actually surprisingly easy, and there wasn't a whole lot of paperwork involved. They didn't tell my father luckily, so I didn't have to deal with that until another time. If he ever finds out, which he's bound to eventually.

The problem was the dorms. I either had to move back home or find some other place to go. I didn't really know anybody, and I didn't want to ask my mom for a place to stay. I wasn't ready for that.

"What're you thinking about?" Bakugo said, startling me out of my thoughts.

"Just, I dunno. Living situations. I have to be out of the dorms soon. Which means I'll have to move back home."

He sighed.

"Are you sure? He'll know you aren't going to school if you go home."

"I know but I can't afford my own place yet and I can't use his money because he'd have to sign for it and then he'll know too. I'll come up with some lie. I'll just say it's a safety precaution because one of the dorms was broken into. Yeah that'll work. I'll just say they're sending everyone home for a month or two because of a threat on the school. The school is pretty mainstream so it would make sense for people to target it. Especially villains."

"Yeah but he'll still make you train."

"Yeah but it won't be that bad as long as he doesn't find out about me dropping out. If he does then.... well you know..... I'll call you."

"Call me after every training session so I can make sure you're okay. If you don't call me afterwards, I'll assume the worst and I'll be at your door within ten minutes."

"It's a thirty minute wa-"

"Ten minutes, at most."


I sighed sadly.

"I don't wanna go back home, but I don't wanna be here either. I'm not ready to ask my mother for a place to stay either. I just... I'm not welcome anywhere."

"You could always ask Aizawa for a place to stay."


"He knows about your situation, or he can at least assume it's less than ideal. Kirishima told me that he let Amajiki stay with him once when he was on suicide watch once."

"Suicide watch? Why?"

"Are you asking why people get put on suicide watch? Because you of all people should kn-"

"No, I mean like is he okay?"

"He's fine now, I think."

"I'm sure Mirio is watching him like a hawk though if he knows. Which I'm sure he does."

***side note: if I wrote a suicidal Amajiki book who would read it >>>***

"Yeah. He seems like the aggressive positivity type."

"Yeah, whatever that means."

"But anyways, I'm sure if you told Aizawa how severe the situation is, he'd let you stay with him to you got back on your feet."

"I guess... I just don't like asking for big favors... I'll be okay."

"Well it's your choice. But if you have just one slightly bad incident with Endeavor, then I'm getting you out of there. I don't care if you say no or not."

"It's fine. I don't even care. I mean he won't kill me, I'm too valuable to him. Not as a person. I'm more of an object to him. But still, he won't kill me."

Numb ---- Suicidal Todoroki x Bakugo----[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now