39 - Seizure

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Bakugo's POV: *a few hours earlier*

I woke up early that morning, about half an hour before Todoroki usually got up.

I glanced over at him, his sleeves partially rolled up. I couldn't help but look at his arms sadly. I wanted to be mad at him for the things he put himself through. My instinct is always to be mad. It's all I know how to express.

But how could I be mad at him? It's not his fault. Well, to an extent it's not his fault. I do wish he'd talk to me more though--rather than bottling things up--but I can't blame him for being reserved. Hell, he's so traumatized I'm surprised he even speaks at all. Endeavor would never let him talk about any feelings that could be deemed weak, which was basically all of them. If he did, he'd get beaten or locked in a dark cellar. So I don't have the right to be mad at him for being hesitant. He's doing the best he can, and I'm not gonna push him any harder than I already have.

I sighed and sat up in bed.

I'm so behind in school

Just the thought of all the assignments I'd probably missed already made me upset. I hate being behind in anything. I can't stand not being ahead of everyone else. It just makes me feel like such a failure.

I took out my phone and texted Aizawa.

B - hey, can you send me links to the instructions on all the assignments I've missed?

A few minutes passed and I got a response.

A - Are you and Todoroki coming back today?

B - most likely

A - Ok. Here.

A - *sent 27 links*

A - That's just this class. You'll have to email or message your other teachers for the rest.

B - ok

I clicked on the first few links.

All of these are gonna take at least an hour each


I threw my phone down on the ground angrily, pacing around the room frantically.

That damn nerd's way ahead of me then

I yelled out of frustration and kicked the nightstand, knocking over a lamp and wobbling the small table. It was then I realized how loud I had been, and I glanced over at Todoroki.

Never thought I'd be thankful for his sleep deprivation

I don't need him being concerned about me

He needs rest

I sighed.

I have a couple hours before school starts

I'll just go to the gym or the junkyard or something

Blow off some steam

I picked up my phone off the floor and headed for the door. I saw Todoroki waking up out of the corner or my eye, and left immediately.

I walked off of campus and to the junkyard, gritting my teeth the whole way.

I should've been keeping up with school on the side...

Now I just look like a fucking idiot to everyone else

I could've been helping him and doing school

I could manage both

Now I'm just behind and I fucking hate that

When did I get so damn weak?

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