48 - Harmless

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*steamy scenes but nothing ridiculously inappropriate and clothes remain on I promise*

Todoroki's POV:

A couple days later I got to leave the hospital and go back to the dorms. Aizawa offered to drive me there, but I told him that I'd rather walk back with Bakugo. It was two miles, but I liked us spending time together.

We were about half a mile from the dorms, but a part of me didn't want to go back. I didn't want to be bombarded with questions from my classmates. I just wanted to spend my first day of fresh air with Bakugo and relax.

"Would it be awful if we didn't go back until later? I really don't have the energy to deal with all the questions right now. I'd rather just relax for a while with just us."

He laughed a bit.

"So like a date?"

I blushed and my heart dropped.

"N-No no I didn't say that I just meant for us to hang ou- I mean I wouldnt be opposed to u- but I didn't mean to- I just meant because I- Everyone- I-"

He laughed, cutting me off.

"I know what you meant, I just wanted to make you nervous."


He laughed.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"I don't care. You?"

"It's pretty much almost dark already... Wanna go grab some dinner somewhere?"

"Like a date?"

He hesitated.


"I win."


"I made you nervous."

"Tch, no you didn't."

I smiled.

"Sure, sure. Anyways, let's get soba. I'm paying."

"Nope, I have your bag. I'm paying with my own money."

"But I wanna spend Endeavor's money and piss him off."

"Tch fine whatever." He handed me my bag. The bag that I know for a fact, is full of nothing but drugs and alcohol.

"Oh, this is the wrong back. His cards aren't in here."

"Oh okay. What's that bag for then?"

"Uhhhh just.... clothes..."

"Hm. Okay."

We ended up getting dinner at a nice restaurant and staying out until 10pm, just walking around town.

We made it back to the dorms at 11pm.

We walked inside as quietly as possible, heading straight to his dorm--since I still wasn't allowed to be alone.

We walked inside and Bakugo broke the silence.

"You know, everyone's asleep."

"Yeah so?"

"We can do whatever we want." He said, leaning closer to me.

"I... I-I-"

He laughed.

"Just kidding. Do I still make you nervous?" He smiled, closing the door behind us.

"N-No." I stuttered.

"Oh really?" He smirked. "What if I did..... this?"

He grabbed both my arms and pinned me against the wall, still smiling. My heart skipped a beat and I chuckled under my breath, looking down nervously. I got that funny feeling again. It became harder to breathe and I felt a queasiness in my stomach. I smiled.

"Nervous now?"

I looked up.


"Hmmm.... How about if I did....this?"

He pressed his lips against mine, pressing my body against the wall. A rush came over me as I kissed him back, my arms still pinned. He held me against the wall with force, and we continued to kiss aggressively for a solid minute or two until he pulled away.

"How about now?"


"Whatever you're totally stuttering and blushing, I win." He smirked and let me go. A part of me was disappointed as he walked away casually, sitting down on the bed.

"I don't think you necessarily win, I mean I could just as easily do that to you."

"Ha! As if I'd ever let you pin me."

"I could."


"Yeah you're probably right."

"I know I am. I'm always right."

"Yeah." I walked over in front of him. "But what if I did this?"

I pinned him down on the mattress, leaning over him and making direct eye contact. He blushed and I could feel him shaking under me. He seemed surprised, and a bit excited.


"Nope I win. You're nervous and you're blushing. I win." I smiled.

He rolled over and reversed the position, then leaned over and kissed me before I could say anything. I kissed him back and felt my stomach become queasy again. I couldn't move my arms at all, and he had the rest of my body restrained under his, but I didn't mind. It actually made it slightly more enjoyable for me.

He moved down and kissed my neck down to my collarbones, still having me pinned down and restrained strongly. I squirmed under him, but I wasn't really trying to get away.

He pulled away for a moment and looked down, still hovering over me.

"What is it?"

"We shouldn't be doing this..." He muttered.

"I know, but-"

"No, I promised we wouldn't do anything relationship-y yet because I don't want to put any more pressure on you and I don't think you're ready. I'm sorry."


"I know, you're gonna say it's fine. But I don't want to put any more stress on you than I already have and this is just gonna make things more complicated and I-"

"No, it's really okay Bakugo. I need a break from worrying about my mental health problems, and I know it's probably immature for us to do this, but we can worry about relationships and stuff later. This doesn't have to be complicated. Can't we just make this a simple, harmless thing that happens just right now, and then we can talk about the actual relationship aspect of it later?"

He glanced to the side and smirked a bit.

"I guess so."

"Okay, thank you."

He held me down again and began to kiss me harder than before. I smiled through it and attempted to roll over on him again, but he pushed me back down, causing a small noise of surprise to escape my lips. He chuckled a bit under his breath and continued. He moved slowly back down to my neck and collar bones, pressing down each time harder than the last.

This continued for about another half hour and my heart was racing the whole time. I was out of breath and I was nervous the whole time, but I didn't really care honestly. A part of me knew that if Endeavor ever knew that this happened, he'd be pissed. And I think that made it even more enjoyable.

Eventually we separated and soon after that we decided it was time to go to sleep. However, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened, and it was keeping me awake. But I didn't mind.

I rolled over and closed my eyes, smiling thinking about what had happened.

Eventually, around 4:00 in the morning, I fell asleep.

Numb ---- Suicidal Todoroki x Bakugo----[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now