25 - Shut up

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Bakugo's POV:

After awhile, Todoroki fell asleep on what he now refers to as "his side of the bed". However, I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. My mind hadn't stopped racing since earlier.

I kissed Shoto Todoroki

And he let me...

What the hell kind of move was that?

I only meant to tell him that he wasn't alone

But I don't know...

The timing just felt right.

I looked over at him.

It just felt right.

I sighed and rolled out of bed, checking the clock.

What the hell?

Already 4 in the fucking morning?

How am I even functioning?

I paced around my room, not really sure what to do. I wasn't tired, and I knew the sun would be rising soon regardless.

There's no point in trying to sleep.

I sat at my desk, fidgeting with my hands on the wooden surface.

What happens now?

Was it just one kiss and that's it?

What did I do?

I probably made it weird now.

But he didn't seem to mind...

It took me a few minutes to realize I was mumbling under my breath.

Damn it.

That fucking nerd rubbed off on me a bit with his fucking rambling

God it's annoying as fuck

I stood up and started pacing again, biting my nails.


Someone as strong as me shouldn't have to worry about bullshit like this

I'm stronger than this...


So why does that damn bastard make me feel so fucking weak?

Who gave him the right to get into my head like this?

I looked over at where he was laying.

He still looks sad

Even when he's sleeping

I walked away and grabbed a jacket, putting on my shoes and leaving the dorm quietly.

I need to clear my head.

I snuck off campus and walked along the streets. The air was foggy and the sun had barely risen, causing the sky to appear hazier than usual. Drops of dew had settled on the weeds in between the concrete, and the air was still misty.

I walked along the sidewalk, kicking a few pebbles here and there. The streets were virtually empty, since not many people were awake at this time. The noises that usually filled the city were gone, and everything was quiet.

Great, the quiet

Way to leave me trapped with my own thoughts.

Nice work Katsuki

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