31 - Fault

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Bakugo's POV:

Aizawa led us back to the classroom, and I looked over at Todoroki. His face was calm, but he was shaking badly and biting his lip. He looked lost in thought as well.

You can't hide everything.

You're getting worse and worse at it.

Or I'm just getting better at picking up on things.

But you're slipping...

I can tell.

We stopped in front of the classroom and he spoke.

"Now I wanna talk to you one at a time and then both of you. But for now, Todoroki go and sit at my desk and Bakugo stand out here in the hallway with me."

"Why can't I wait out in the hallway and you both talk here instead? Wouldn't that be e-easier?" He asked.

He's not an idiot

"No. I don't want you running off Todoroki. Bakugo I'm not that worried about, but I know you'll run if I give you the chance. So go sit down."

Todoroki nodded and went inside the classroom. Aizawa closed the door, turning to me.

"Now, I know he's not gonna be honest with me, but I hope for Todoroki's sake that you decide to tell me the truth. What's going on?"

"It's not exactly my place to tell you."

"Do you want him to get help?"



"Bakugo. He needs help. But he won't tell me anything, so I need you to help me out here. I can't help him unless I know what's going on, how serious it is, and what he needs me to do."

"It's... It's just complicated."

"I'll just ask you questions and you answer them. How long have you known and how did you find out?"

"Several months.... and..... well I don't know....",

"How did you find out Bakugo? I'm sure it was more than just a lucky guess."

"He... uhm.... He tried to kill himself a few months ago and I.... I stopped him."

"Do you know why?"

"Because I'm fucking human, what kind of sick question is-"

"No, why did he try to kill himself?"

"He just.... I....."

"The hell's wrong with you Icyhot?"

"He was crying when he walked into class and.... I asked him about it...."

"My guess is those stupid family problems you were whining about at the sports festival"

"I.... I yelled at him....."

"Who the hell cares if I yell all the time?!?!?! That IS the kind of environment you grew up in right?!?!?! So you should feel right at home!!!!"

"I made things worse.... and I found him later afterschool...."

"Hey, what the hell happened to your arm...."

"I messed up...."


"His arm was bleeding..... and he was trying to run up to the roof..... so I stopped him.... but.... if it weren't for me...."

Numb ---- Suicidal Todoroki x Bakugo----[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now