13 - Pills

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Todoroki's POV:

The next few days were relatively normal. My sleeping habits were still kind of messed up, and I was still zoning out a lot. However, I hadn't relapsed, so that was good I guess. I had been going to the gym a lot, since it was on the UA campus and it helped me clear my head. Plus it was usually empty from around dinnertime until after midnight.

I laid my head down on my desk and sighed in frustration.

Fuck homework

I have enough things to worry about

I was about to start on my work again when I heard a knock at my door. I stood up and walked over to the door, rolling my eyes a bit as I opened it to find Bakugo.


"Can I help you?" I said bitterly.

"I just came to check on you, jeez. You've been in your room for days."

"I come out to go to school. Isn't that enough?"

"Well I mean yeah, but that's only because you have to. I haven't seen you actually go anywhere all week. What's so great about your room?"

"Nothing. And actually I've been going to the gym every day."


"Usually at night."

"Why the hell do you go at night?"

"Because it's empty."

Like me

"Whatever. What's up?" He asked casually, coming inside as if it were his room.

"Nothing of importance. And I don't recall saying you could come ins-"

"What are these?" He picked up the various pill bottles on my night stand, investigating the labels.

"Those are mine, leave them alone."

"Zoloft, Valium, Paxil, Prozac, Acata-meno-pen, Narcotics, what the hell Todoroki? How many pills do you take?"

"Not enough, and it's pronounced Acetaminophen. Leave them alone."

He opened the drawer to my night stand and pulled out a ziplock bag full of pills. My hands started shaking.

"Which pills are thes-"

"Don't touch those." I said sternly, snatching the bag from his hand.


"Just because. These ones are different."

"How so?"

"Because they just are, okay?!"

"What are they?"

"They're just stupid pills leave it alone."

"Fine whatever. You hungry?" He stood up, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Not really." I said, shoving the bag in my back pocket with my wallet.

"Well too bad, c'mon. You haven't eaten hardly anything in days."

"Fine whatever. Where are we going?" He opened the door and we walked out.

"There's this soba place down the street if you wanna go there."

"I suppose that's fine."

We left the dorm building and started walking down the street.

"So, you haven't been home lately?"

Numb ---- Suicidal Todoroki x Bakugo----[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now