55 - Everything

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Todoroki's POV:

After awhile, I made me and Bakugo some lunch, planning to wake him up. However, I ruined the meal completely with my amazing cooking skills. So I just ordered some katsudon and had it delivered instead.

He's been asleep for awhile

I hope he's okay

I sighed.

He's probably sorting his thoughts a bit

He's been stressed lately

I can tell

It's probably my fault

I took the food to the kitchen and set it on the counter. I couldn't help but glance over at the block of knives.

He's not watching you right now

You won't have another opportunity

But you know he's gonna check

Especially since he's left you alone for so long

But what's he gonna do?

Send you back?


It shouldn't even matter

It shouldn't even cross my mind

Shut up

But how bad could it honestly be?

Just a few scratches?

If you cut over old scars he won't even notice

And it'll be much easier to slice through

He'll never have to know


I wouldn't go behind his back like that

He trusted me

For the first time in awhile

Do I really wanna lose that?

But remember all the reasons you did it before?

And the reasons you didn't???

It was never because he didn't want you to

You never asked his permission

You just did it

Why should that change?

He never REALLY stopped you before

Maybe physically he was there to stop you

But he never stopped your urge to cut did he?

What has he REALLY done for you?


He's all I really have

My mother doesn't want to see me

My father hates me

I don't have any other friends really

Sure there's the people in my class

But they saw the bruises

And all the times I came in limping or passed out from exhaustion during training

Numb ---- Suicidal Todoroki x Bakugo----[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now