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Day 1.

I wake up to the sound of someone screaming and the smell of sea water. When I open my eyes I see the quiet girl, Leah, looking at me scared. I furrow my eyebrows and look around in confusion at all of the blue water surrounding me.

"Hey, hey, our plane crashed. There's shore over there, but we need to swim back with this girl. I need your help since I can't push both of you by myself." Leah tells me and I slowly move my head towards the girl floating on a piece of the plane. I nod before rolling myself off of the piece of the plane I was on and swim over to Jeannette with Leah. We look at each other before nodding and start to kick our legs to swim Jeannette to shore. Although we are getting closer to shore it doesn't feel like it. As we are approaching the island Leah screams for help. I look over at her and exhaustion is clear on her face. "WE SEE YOU!" I hear a voice scream in the distance as two bodies start running towards the water to help us. I see the red-headed texan, Dot, first as she pulls Jeannette out of the water and Toni goes up to Leah.

"Did you see anybody else?" Toni asks an exhausted Leah. Looking over at me only quickly as she shows determination to find her other companion. Leah lets out an exhausted 'no' as I shake my head as well. Toni looks up and drops away from us as she runs over to the other side of the beach where I can make out Martha and Shelby's figure. My head snaps towards Dot's voice who shouts her concern over Jeannette not breathing. I look over and she starts to do chest compressions. Everyone, including the twins, Shelby, Toni, and Martha are surrounding Jeannettes lifeless body.

"Those compressions are way too fast!" Rachel argues with Dot who continues to pound on her chest too fast, "You're pumping like double time."

"There's no such thing as too fast, only too slow." Dot argues.

"Actually compressions can be too fast if they're not deep enough." Nora informs them while sticking up for her sister. Soon everyone is talking about the right way to do CPR which makes Dot annoyed

"Stop! Who knows CPR?" Dot asks. Everyone, besides Jeannette, puts their hand up. Even an exhausted Leah and shell-shock Fatin. Dot looks around confused before going back to doing compressions until Jeannette sputters out water. Everyone releases a breath as the girl finally breathes again. We all get up and start to process everything. Leah passes out for a bit to rest from swimming in Jeannette. I feel tired too but I don't want to sleep right now. I just continue to look out to the water.

I turn my head over to Toni and Martha who keep close to each other. I make eye contact with Toni before I move my head back to the water. Leah soon gets up and walks over with Jeannette. I see Rachel get up from the corner of my eye.

"Does anyone have a phone?" She asks the group. As if we wouldn't have already spoke up if we did. Mine was in my backpack... with everything else.

"Don't you think we would have mentioned that by now?" Toni speaks up, her voice clear with annoyance.

"Even if we did I don't know how many bars we would have." Dot said which furthers Rachel's anger.

"Well I'm just trying to think of lifelines!" Rachel shouts back.

"We could make a big help sign, like in 28 days later." Dot says and I smirk at the suggestion. Both Ethan and Allie used to make me watch those shows with them.

"What do you think happened to the pilot?" Martha asks. She get's ignored as everyone has their own questions.

"Look we gotta get our resources, find our suitcases, phones-" Fuck my bag. It has my photos. I can't believe I lost those photos.

"Listen, listen," I look up to Shelby who stepped in front of a now even more annoyed Rachel, "It's the 21st century they will find us, but right now we have to get a hand on our resources. 8 cokes, right now that's all we got." There isn't even enough for all of us to get one, "But don't worry cause if god brought us to it he will pull us out of it."

"You know the whole Jesus saving us isn't real? He's not gonna jetpack down and get us out of here." I snort at Toni's comment which makes everyone look at me.

"Sorry." I mutter quietly. I make eye contact with Toni who smirks at me before we turn our attention back to Shelby, "No, Toni." Shelby starts, "The lord saves those who can save themselves. Which is why I'm gonna take a look in the woods, see if there's some fresh water. Maybe you should come with?"

"Hard pass." Toni replies. Martha moves from beside her and takes off her shoes and holding them out to Shelby.

"You should take my shoes, they're better for walking." Martha tells Shelby. Toni looks like she's about to explode then.

"Awe, well ain't that sweet of you. Thank you." Shelby tells Martha and Toni snaps.

"You know what? Maybe I will go. Make sure Christ doesn't lead your ass into a fucking sink-hole."

"Jesus Christ we are gonna die out here." I mutter to myself as I watch Toni and Shelby get up. I turn my head to Dot who looks through her pants. I watch as she pulls out a phone that definitely has severe water damage.

"Guys! Look." Dot says and everyone else turns to her. Some of them start to protest but Dot cuts them off, "I'm sorry, look I was busy saving her ass." she says pointing to Jeannette. They all start to go over to Dot to try and figure out how to get it working but I stay back. I get up and walk further away from the group, just looking out to the ocean. I turn to see them burying the phone in sand, I guess to see if that would work like rice. When they finished burying it I see Toni and Shelby start to leave and sigh before running over.

"Hey, guys wait up!" I yell at them and they turn to me, "look I can go instead of Toni. I bet you want to stay with Martha." I mutter and Toni looks at me with her eyebrows furrowed. Shelby only just nods slowly before Toni gives me a slight thankful smile. I turn to Shelby with a strained smile, "Should we go?"

"Yeah, come on." Shelby gives me a wide grin and we start to make our way. As we get more into the forest Shelby turns to me, "Why'd you do that?"

I shrug, "Well I figured I would save the two of you a headache. No offence." Shelby gives a slight chuckle before nodding her head.

"Keep your ears peeled. You'll hear water before seeing it." I nod at Shelby and we continue to walk through the forest. I don't think Shelby is someone who likes silence since she speaks up again, "So why did you quit? Gymnastics, I mean." She stops and looks down at me. I just shrug.

"Personal reasons." I move past her so I'm in front.

"Do you have college plans?"

"I did. Not really anymore."

"Oh." Shelby mutters, "You know my dad was extremely impressed with your skills. And that man is rarely impressed." Shelby continues and I whip around.

"Do you really have to keep talking about that. I quit."

"Well I know just-"

"Just what? Our plane just crashed, we are stuck on an island, and you can't stop talking about the fact that I was a gymnast? It's not a big fucking deal."

"I was just finding things to talk about."

I sigh before continuing to walk. Shelby walks behind me in silence, "So, why do you do pageants?" I ask hesitantly.

"I, uh, I don't actually know. I just always have." I nod before stopping again.

"Let's just head back. I don't think there's any water here." I mutter. I look at Shelby and she just looks sad. I feel some guilt for snapping at her earlier, but I throw it behind me and just walk past her without saying another word.


There will be more Toni x Emma moments coming soon I just want to start a bases for the story!

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