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TRIGGER WARNING: death and mention of gunfire.

"What the fuck just happened?" Rachel asks the group who's still in shock at Emma's outburst. No one really knows what to do since they never seen the girl like that. Toni is only just getting back after unsuccessfully chasing the Austen girl, "You guys have to tell us what the fuck that was about?" Rachel says to Martha and Toni.

"Why the fuck do you think we know?" Toni asks angrily.

"You know something that we don't!" Toni and Martha look at each other with conflicted gazes, "God don't even try to deny it! What the fuck was that?"

"Why was she so upset over the photos?" Nora asks timidly, stepping in front of her mad sister to try and ease the tension. Toni looks at Martha shaking her head. Martha sighs and turns to the group leaving Toni to look up in the sky in anger.

"They made her upset because they died. About 8 months ago. Emma was with them when they died," The group goes silent at this new piece of information.

"Shit," Leah mumbles. Fatin turns to Rachel.

"Well you must feel like an asshole now," Fatin mutters getting up and walking away from the group.

"Where are you going?" Dot asks.

"To look for her," Fatin replies walking towards the place where the Austen girl ran. Toni follows her quickly which leads to the group also following.

"Looks like another search party,"


When I walk into school the next day I don't know what to expect. I knew the school would be talking about the breakup. What I didn't expect was walking in and seeing that fucking photo plastered all around the school. On almost every locker the photo on Nicks phone is taped. I feel eyes on me as I walk over to one. I rip it off the wall and examine it in my hands. When I look up I make eye contact with Allie across the hallway. She shakes her head before storming off. I look at Ethan first before running off to try and catch up to her. I see her run into the girls washroom so I follow, "Al-"

"Save it!" She says, anger clear in her voice.

"I didn't post those,"

"It doesn't matter! You kissed me in public and we are supposed to be secretive about it. I already told you, I'm not ready!" I just watch her with my jaw open, having no words to say, "Jus-just don't talk to me, okay. Ever," Allie mutters before pushing past me and going out. I just stand there and let tears fall down my face before they turn into full sobs. I go over to the mirror and start to splash water on my tear streaked face.

That's when the first bang went off.

I jumped and looked at the door. Then another shot went off. Followed by another until the screaming silenced the bangs.


"She couldn't have gone too far, right?" Shelby asks concerned.

"Don't think so," Dot replies, but there's uncertainty in her voice. Both Toni and Martha stay quiet in the back. Already feeling guilty that they told the group about the fact that the two closest people to Emma were dead.

"I think I actually have an idea where she might be," Toni speaks up. The group looking at her before letting her go to the front, "She likes the water," Toni says. She starts to lead the group to the water that she consistently finds Emma. When they get to the spot they breathe out a breath of relief when they see the girl sitting at the edge of the water holding the photos in her hand. Her body shaking from light sobs. Toni, followed by Fatin, are the only ones brave enough to approach the broken girl.


Soon the screaming stops. A cop finds me in the bathroom and lets me know I can leave. I shakily get up to my feet and let the cop guide me out of the school where I see most of my school mates in the same state as me. I don't care about them right now though, I just need to find Allie and Ethan. I push through the crowd of crying kids and comforting parents. I stop when I see my mom on the side looking over at the ambulance. She meets my gaze, and for the first time, I see her look at me with complete sadness. I turn to where she was previously looking and under the body bag, I see the ring that matches my own. I start to scream, I don't even notice my screaming, or the body that stops me as I run over to my twin. Next to him I see another bag. The familiar blonde hair sticks out of it.

I scream. I drop to the ground and just scream and cry. I feel my mother wrap her arms around me, but it brings me no comfort. The only arms that could ever help me are now cold and lifeless.

And all I know is that my last moments with them were ones where she hated me, and my brother, who couldn't comfort me.


Arms wrap around me as I cry. I cry and I scream, "I'm so sorry," I hear Toni whisper into my ear.

"She died hating me," I cry more. I feel another pair of arms wrap around me and look down to see Fatin's gold watch. Soon more pairs of arms wrap around me. I see Dot's boots, Martha's streaked hair, Shelby's pink sweater, Rachel's leggings, Nora's running shoes, and Leah's cardigan. And l let them comfort me. For the first time since that day, I scream.


"You got this Emma," Mom tells me as I look at the floor. This is a big meet, one that decides if I go to Nationals or not, "I know it's still... soon, but this is your future. Don't mess up," She says. I don't turn to her. She just sighs as I add chalk to my hands.

"Next up we have, Emma Austen!" The commentator announces. The crowd cheers but I don't hear them.

"Hey," I hear a voice. I turn my head and see Nick standing there with a guilty look. After he posted the photos all over the school he left. Said he was gonna skip that day so he wouldn't be a target for posting the photo. I don't respond to him as I turn my head and look at my competition, "Look, I get you hate me... for good reason, but I just wanted to wish you luck. And give you this," I turn to him and he holds out a printed version of the photo of Allie and I, "And I deleted the photo off my phone," He says. I don't respond as I take the photo and just stare at it, "I'm sorry, Em," Nick says before walking away. I feel a choke in my throat.

"Emma, you're up," Coach says. I turn to my mother, a cold look on my face as I place the photo in my bag and walk over to the floor. I get to the middle and get in position for the start of my routine. When the music starts I look up. I scan the crowd and my heart drops when I realize the two people I always look for are gone. The music keeps going and I don't move. I don't even hear the crowd mumbling in confusion, or coach yelling at me to go. I just let the tear fall down my cheek before I walk out.

I quit.


I was gonna wait to post these but when I first started this story, Emma's backstory was the parts that I was most excited to write!!

So I hope I made your day better by posting 4 times today lol. That was all of my drafts so I'm back to writing more :)

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