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Day 20


"When day 20 came, and there was still no rescue, the morale was low. We tried to pass the time, but no one wanted to make camp again in hopes that rescue will still come. The problem with that is that we were completely exposed to the elements,"

"And that affected you, didn't it?"

"Yeah, it did,"


"Hey, are you okay?" Toni asks me when she shakes me awake. My eyelids feel heavy as I look up to her concerned face and nod lightly.

"Yeah, just a bit nauseous," Toni feels my forehead and her face starts to crease in worry.

"You're burning up, Em,"

"I'm fine, Toni. Just a bit hot and tired," I say, but she doesn't look convinced.


"I'm fine," I tell Allie over FaceTime, "I'm just tired,"

"I know but after the talk at school,"

"Look I understand that it's hard right now, Al. And it's hard that if you're here my mom is literally watching us like a hawk and I'm not allowed at your place but you can't be playing with me right now,"

"I know. I'm not playing with you or your feelings. I love you, I gave you the necklace, and I want to be with you just right now it's hard. Just... maybe once we get out of this town I'll be ready. We can just be us,"

"I want to be us now. I'm ready to be out and not hide,"

"But I'm not. Especially not after that conversation with your mom. She looked at us with... disgust,"

"That may not be the first time that happens,"

"I know, Em. I know," Allie sighs, "Look we can continue talking about this. And... god I love you so much Emma," I smile at her through the camera.

"I love you to," I mutter. Allie smiles at me.

"Am I gonna see you tonight?"

"Well I will be at the party. I don't know about dinner... Ethan will probably try and convince me,"

"Well... I hope to see you. At both places,"

"Okay," I say softly, "I should go,"

"Okay.... I'll see you at the diner?" I nod at Allie and she gives me a smile.

"I love you,"

"Love you to," I say before closing my laptop. I sigh before turning to the picture of Allie, Ethan, and I on my desk. I smile at it softly, "I just want to be out. I wish you'd want to be out with me,"


"Okay, Em. You're seriously not okay right now," Toni says while picking me up and laying me on her lap. I feel a shadow go over me and a hand on my forehead.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now