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"So this guy washed up, you think he's good for anything?" Toni asks Martha and Fatin as she slams down the mannequin she found. A small smirk is plastered on her face as both Martha and Fatin look at him in amusement.

"Well, Martha was just looking for a man." Fatin says while admiring the mannequin.

"You see, he doesn't really read as straight to me. I mean, look at those abs. Straight boys don't rock an eight-pack that hard." Toni replies.

"He could also be a straight gym-rat fuck boy, you know?" Fatin speaks up, "All about his 'Gram channel, sprays Acqua di Gio on his balls. And he will always leave you on 'read'"" I snort at this, "Honestly seems like your type Em." Fatin laughs at this while both Toni and Martha look at me.

"Well he does look like my ex. But trust me, not my type." I mutter the last bit while I straighten out the mannequins shirt. I see Toni glance at me quickly but she looks away when I make eye contact with her.

Fatin runs her hand along it's chest, "Mm, Marcus here will break your fucking heart."

"Marcus?" Martha questions.

"Yeah where the fuck did Marcus come from?" Toni says.

"It's a vibe." Fatin replies.

"I mean, it's kinda close to my name." Martha says in a flirtatious voice. I turn to her and smirk.

"Honestly I feel the chemistry." Fatin jokes.

"Yeah Marty, get it." Toni says and I laugh out loud now.

"Maybe Martha here will break Marcus' heart." I joke. I look behind Marcus to see Shelby and Dot start to approach the group while Martha grabs Fatin's red lipstick to start to draw a penis on Marcus.

"We are back. Unscathed." Shelby calls out to the group.

"And we found a cave. So if rescue doesn't show within the next couple of hours, I suggest we get a move on." Dot adds.

"Thank god!" Fatin starts, "I cannot take another night with wet sand in my crack."

"Who is this?" Shelby asks pointing to Marcus.

"That's Marcus, Toni and Emma found him." Martha tells Shelby who continues to examine him.

"I don't have a ton of experience, but doesn't that seem especially large?"

"Martha likes them hung." Fatin replies.

"Hey!" Rachel shouts in the distance and we all look over to see her carrying some box. Leah and Nora look exhausted behind her while carrying their raft. I furrow my eyebrows at the box that she's carrying as we all gather around it.

"So what do we do with it?" Martha asks the group. Everyone shrugs not really sure. I grab the box and bring it closer to me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Rachel asks.

"Checking it out. I know a bit about planes."


"My... friend, Allie. She wanted to be a pilot. She was super interested in how they worked, she'd never shut up about them." I chuckle a bit at the last statement. I have so many memories where she would just non-stop talk about them. She always dragged me to the museums, made me watch the documentaries.

"We should open it." Leah states.

"But it says right on the thing-"

"Martha, I know. But if we were to get inside, we can figure out what happened to us."

"But don't we already know?"

"Do we? Can somebody tell me, like, the full account? From the turbulence to the moment you woke up here?" No one responds, all of us having no fucking idea what happened, "Besides, look at how big and loud the "Do Not Open" is. Part of me feels like it's telling us to do the opposite, like being ironic."

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now