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"You want to talk about it?" Toni asks me the next morning after everything.

"Not really," I mumble, "I just... god I just don't want to be on a fucking island anymore. I don't think I could ever go to a beach resort, like, ever."

"This is the closest I've ever been to a beach resort," Toni says, "It sucks."

I snorted, nodding my head as we looked out at the water. We were up before the rest, leaving a note for them to know we were outside. Toni played with my fingers gently, her eyes looking up at me as she smiled.

"You think we're going to get off. For real?"

"I think so," Toni nods, "Just scared what it would take to get off."

"Yeah," I nodded, "Who knows what's in store for us. Before, Gretchen was watching us. This time... I don't know if any one is."

Toni scoffs, "I don't even want to think of all the sick fucks who watched us," I stayed quiet as I watched Toni start to fume at the thought. My hand links with hers,

"What's your job today? Who are you partnered with?" I ask quietly to distract Toni. Her mind goes elsewhere as her face scrunches up on annoyance.

"Looking for water. With Nick," Toni grumbles. I feel a pit in my stomach at the thought of that, "Don't want to spend a second with that piece of shit. It's the first day on the island all over again."

"You're comparing Nick and Shelby?" I chuckle. It feels like the first day on the island was so long ago - Toni and Shelby completely hating each other. Before Toni and I really knew each other, "They're very different."

"I hated them both. Shelby, not any more."

I smiled at Toni, chucking to myself. Toni really did hate Shelby, once upon a time. Although, the thought of Toni and Nick being alone, for hours, alone in the woods... it made Emma uneasy. Toni couldn't hold her temper for long and Nick couldn't hold his tongue.

"Just promise me something," I whisper to Toni.


"You won't kill him. Start a fight. Hate him all you'd like, I do too, but we need the boys on our side to get off."

"I won't," Toni grumbles, "But that doesn't mean I can't think the worst of him."

I smile at Toni, nodding slightly. I open my mouth to say more, but I'm interrupted by Fatin shouting in the distance, "Hey, lovebirds! Stop being cute and shit and get to work!"

"Fuck off, Fatin!" Toni yells back, but a smile is on her face. Fatin grins, throwing up a middle finger before looping her arm with Leah and walking away.

"Hey, is it just me, or has Fatin and Leah been giving vibes?" I ask Toni with furrowed eyebrows, "I mean, Fatin hasn't mentioned anything-"

"Oh, they're completely fruity," Toni snorts, "Wouldn't be surprised if they fuck soon."

"Damn," I let out a low whistle, chuckling, "I'll see you soon, yeah?"

"Sure," Toni nods, "Who are you partnered with.

"Kirin," I sigh, "Hunting for food."

"Fun," Toni snickers. I roll my eyes, pausing slightly before I give her a small kiss. Toni looks at me, grinning widely. It's the first time we kissed in a while.

"I'll see you later? No killing Nick?"

"I'll try my best," Toni jokes. I give her a small glare, Toni chuckling in response as I walk back up to the facility. When I get up there, I see Kirin leaning against the wall. He was holding two make shift spears.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now