Author's Note

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Hi everyone!!! I just wanted to jump on here quickly and give an update for everyone. Don't worry, I'm still continuing the book and this is NOT a discontinued message.

That being said, as you may have noticed, I've been very slow. When I first started this I updated very regularly but the past year I've struggled a lot with my mental health. I was doing okay but I've progressively gotten worse and I just don't feel motivated for anything. I'm seeing a therapist and working through everything but I just wanted to update anyone who may be wondering about updates.

I am continuing this story, I'm just doing it at my pace and how much I can mentally do. Thank you to everyone who is being patient and sticking around. I'm so excited to finish this story and I can't wait to see your guys reactions to it.

Thank you all for the support ❤️ I promise this book will be completed at some point.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now