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Day 18


I look up and furrow my eyebrows when Agent Young enters my room. He gives me an awkward smile before coughing and fixing his tie, "We need you back in the questioning room," I nod lightly before getting up and following him. When I get back into the room Dr. Faber is already sitting their with his arms crossed. I walk over and sit down in front of them, waiting for one to speak on why I'm back.

"We're missing a bit of information. From day 18 to 22. Care to fill us in?" Faber asks while leaning forward.

"Not much happened," I respond shrugging my shoulders.

"Anything helps us. Paints us a picture of the full account,"

"Fine," I say, "We were really fucking pissed when rescue didn't show up the next day..."


"How long do you think it's gonna take?" Martha asks the group. It's just been a long waiting game for rescue to come. 2 days have passed since we've seen the plane and there hasn't been any sign of rescue coming. Which, honestly, it'd be really fucked up if the pilot never told anyone about us. Who would let a bunch of teenage girls stay on a desert island? It's hard since we ate most of our food. We expected to be out of here by now, but maybe we should have kept some for the few days it would take for them to show up.

"Don't know. Sometimes rescues take time," Dot answers but she looks doubtful herself. I sigh and lean my head back on Toni's shoulder while my legs lay on Fatin's lap.

"I'd kill for a burger right now," I sigh.

"If we find a cow we can make that happen," Rachel says and I wince.

"That's morbid," I mutter. I feel Toni grab my hand and plays with my fingers. I smile unconsciously before looking over at Shelby who has been quiet the past few days, "You know, Shelb, if you really want I can even out your hair. Not that you don't rock the botched avant-garde mullet, but I really think we can improve it,"

"You cut hair?' Toni asks looking down at me with her eyebrow raised.

"Yeah. I used to cut Allie's hair all the time," I say. I see Toni change a bit at the mention of my now dead ex-girlfriend, so I just grab her hand and give it a small squeeze.

"Why not," Shelby says making me smile and jump up. I go over to Fatin's makeup bag and grab the scissors and brush out. I sit behind Shelby and pull her hair back.

"How short do you want it?"

Shelby shrugs, "Shoulder length, I guess," I nod at her before taking the brush and lightly working through her knotted hair. The knots take a bit to get through but when I do I pull her hair to the back and start cutting. The blonde hair falling to the ground reminds me of Allie's. I smile a bit at the memory, it not feeling as sad as it once was.


"Don't make it too short," Allie says as she sits on my bathroom floor as I cut her hair.

"I won't," I giggle while continuing to cut. I take the last strand and swirl it, "I'm done," I say as Allie gets up and looks in the mirror. She turns around smiles at me,

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now