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Day 22

"So, Emma, after you got better, what happened?" Agent Young asks. I just shrug at them.

"Nothing. No one came and we accepted that,"

"What about-"

"When can I see her?" I interrupt Agent Young.

"Toni?" Dr. Faber asks and I smirk at him.

"Funny you'd assume that," I tell him and lean back, "I'm done talking,"

"Why?" Faber asks and I look at him.

"I think you have enough clarity. Maybe read a bit. That's a... hefty file," I get up and start walking to the door, "Let me see her. Or anyone."

"No," Faber replies and I smile at him.

"Then I'll just get back to my room. Come on," I tell Agent Young and he gets up to walk me back to my room.


"I let us eat all of the food," Dot mumbles, "Such a fucking idiot," I'm laying on Fatin's lap as I let my eyes droop. I look over at Toni who's head continues to stir as she tries to stay conscious. I give her a quick kick as she looks at me and gives a small thumbs up before leaning on Martha.

"Hey," Shelby says getting up, "Don't talk about my friend like that, all right? You keep being nasty to her and I'll have to take you," I smile slightly knowing that Shelby's mood has perked up since a few days ago. She takes out her dentures and smiles, "You should have seen the other guy," I snort lightly at her.

"Maybe he's in on it," Leah says from the side. I turn my head to her with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Who? Shelby questions.

"That fucking pilot. What kind of a person sees an island full of lost girls and doesn't send help,"

"Leah, what would he be in on?" Shelby continues to question her.

"I don't know," Shelby gets up and comforts Leah who has been coming up with these theories this whole time. I'm not gonna lie, I don't know how I feel about it now. I don't know how someone could live with knowing they saw lost girls and never sent help. Or how Marcus drifted away. I just don't know. Martha gets up and goes over to Leah.

"There's no way that he didn't call it in," Martha comforts Leah, "People love to help out, you know. It's probably just taking a minute," I smile at her as she says this. I wish I was able to see the world through Martha's point of view. Not how it is one big fucked up universe that we have to get through.

"Remember out fourth-grade teacher?" Toni asks Martha as she goes over to her and sits down.

"Mrs. Burgman," Martha says, "Weird lady,"

Toni laughs, "Yeah. She was kinda a tree-hugging nutbird. Used that natural deodorant that did not work," They both laugh.

"She smelled like wet mulch,"

"I was just thinking about how she used to take us on those walks. Behind the School. Going on and on about dandelions and how you can make a salad out of backyard weeds. Think we can find any of that shit out there?"

Martha turns her head to Toni and smiles, "Maybe. Food run?" Martha asks and Toni replies saying food run. Martha starts to get up but Toni grabs her arms to keep her down.

"Hey, um, do you know who's pretty good out there? Knows her way around?" Martha furrows her eyebrows before looking at Shelby. Martha raises her eyebrow before nodding her head, "Maybe... I should ask her to come?" Martha raises her eyebrows questionably so Toni continues, "Yeah I know I'm not cool with her, but at this point in this place, grudges are kind of childish,"

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now