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Day 15

Luckily Dot and Leah were able to find the other Halophen and Martha ended up okay. Toni's been avoiding me, along with Shelby. Toni refuses to look me in the eye and I'm not sure if it's because she regrets yelling at me or is still mad and wants to avoid me in general. Shelby's avoidance I don't have to question, it's obvious she has a lot of shit going on in her head and her constant holding of her Cross necklace makes me guess that she's trying to wish that kiss never happened. I don't know how I feel about it. I know I don't like her like that, those types of thoughts for the blonde never really crossed my mind. I know I feel something for Toni, thoughts that I never really thought I'd have for a long time, but it's not exactly easy when the girl won't even look me in the eye.

On day 15, we woke up to a tide totalling our camp, "Martha," Toni yells at the still asleep Martha who jumps awake when a wave hits her body.

"Tide came in like a fucking beast," Fatin shouts to the group, "Swallowed up the whole camp," I run out to a bigger wave to grab my backpack that I know it still has my pictures in it. I grip on the edge of it before the tide takes control an knocks me down. I feel water enter my lugs before a pair of arms grabs onto my back and helps me up. I look up and see Dot asking me if I'm okay. I nod at her before looking back and seeing the tide took my bag and it's no where in sight.

"Fuck!" I scream as I go back to go and find it but Dot pulls me back.

"You have to let it go!" Dot screams and pulls me away before going over to Fatin who's also trying to save her stuff.

"Fuck!" Fatin screams, "The ocean took all of my shit!" Leah gets to Fatin first as she pulls her away also telling her to let it go. I look out and see my bag once again. I push Dot off of me to go and run to it.

"Fuck, Emma!" Dot yells and runs and grabs ahold of my waist to pull me in. I start to push her off of me and fight her off, but Shelby sees this and runs over to help Dot keep me away. They pull me to shore and I continue to fight, not wanting to lose the photos I have of them. They pull me on the sand and I cry as I know the photos are now gone, drifting into the ocean.


When daylight comes everyone's morale is once again low. Shelby works extra hard to try and make up for her homophobic comment a few days prior. I sit away from everyone with my arms in my knees as I look out into the ocean where all my shit went. I stopped crying a while ago, but now I just feel emotionless watching the waves crash into the sand.

"That's it!" Dot yells, "Pull up stakes," I don't turn to her but I keep my attention on her to hear what is going on, "We're fucking moving,"

"Again?" Martha asks tired.

"Take a real good look at this camp. It is not a refurb job. It is totally fucking totalled,"

"But I thought you said the cave was a bust?" Rachel asks while approaching the group.

"No, not the cave. We move to Gold Cliff Beach around the bend. It doesn't seem like the tides bitch, so, you know, maybe this tsunami horse shit won't hit us again," Dot says.

"It's not as windy either," Toni speaks up from beside Martha.

"Yeah, which will come in handy seeing as we no longer have a fucking fire to keep us warm,"

"Shit," Toni says, "I didn't think of that. Who was on fire duty last night?" I turn my head to Fatin who I know was on duty.

"Okay, technically It was my turn but Shelby practically begged me to sub her in," Fatin defended herself. I turn back to the water and let them work it out.

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