A/N- Please Respond :) thoughts on season 2 and book 2

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Ok so I just finished season 2!!!!

WARNING: Spoilers ahead

How is everyone feeling about it? I heard some people say it felt like a transition season which I totally agree. I completely hope there is a season 3 to continue what is happening because I really want to see the dynamic between the girls and the boys since they're all together now.

Personally I hated how the boys had more screen time than the girls for the sole fact that trying to figure out the plot for my second book is more of a challenge than expected. The girls story felt a little... lack lustre. Like they were just there and the boys were the focus. It's making me find it hard what to write about and how to fit Emma in and make the book interesting.

Soooo, I'm thinking of taking some creative liberty. Sort of take the story into my own hands. However, if I do, it may fuck up following the story line for season 3 if it happens (currently there is no announcement for it). Because of this, I want some opinions because I'm debating it really hard in my head and trying to figure out what is the best route for Emma's story in The Wilds.

There's 2 options:
1. Use what was given to us in season 2 and follow that story. Will probably be like the first book where it follows what happens and there will only be small changes (creating moments and plot for Toni/Emma. I don't want to copy the Shelby/Toni interactions since Toni/Emma are separate from that).

2. Use what was given to us in season 2, reimagine it, and take the story into my own hands. I have ideas I just obviously don't know what's going to happen in season 3 so what I do could potentially fuck up season 3 plot lines.

If you are reading this PLEASE RESPOND!! I want to get peoples opinions so I can start working on the book :)

If you don't feel comfortable commenting, then you can send me a message!

Thank you! Hope y'all are having a great day!

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