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Day 42

I start to do my usual walk away, but Fatin grabs my arm, "Nuh, uh. It's Dorothy's fucking birthday and you're fucking helping."

"It's her birthday?" I ask, turning my head.

"Mhm, July 18th. Old Dorothy is becoming an adult and we have to use the party shit to have fun. There's champagne, decorations and a lot of party potential."

"Right," I mumble, "What do you need me to do?"

"Rachel's doing the cake so you can join Shelby, Toni and Martha on decorating duty while Leah and I keep Dot away from camp."

"Gotcha, I'll head over-"

Before I can walk away, Fatin grabs my arm, "Are you doing okay? I know I was harsh before but you've been kinda spacey."

"I'm fine. Just this island... it can get to you, I guess."

"I get it," Fatin says, "Just, chill with us more. I miss you."

I smile slightly, nodding my head lightly. Fatin smiles at me, giving my arm a comforting squeeze before walking towards the direction where she left Leah. I let out a sigh, walking towards camp where Shelby was standing over Toni and Martha who were making some sort of crown or wreath. When I walk forward, Shelby turns and smiles towards me, "Emma, I know she's your girlfriend but you have to agree with me. These crowns are just not up to standard."

I look down at Toni and she smiles up at me, proudly holding her crown, "It's pretty," I say, Toni looks up at Shelby with a victorious smirk, but it's wiped off when I continue, "It could use some flowers, though."

Her jaw drops when I say this. Martha stifles a giggle as Shelby grabs my arm, "Exactly what I was thinking! This needs to be perfect and fun. Lots of colour-"

"Gotcha," I cut her off. I turn to Toni, "You want to pick some flowers?"

"Hell yeah!" Toni jumps up, wiping off her hands on her pants before giving the crown to Martha, "You okay for now, Marty?"

"I'm good. You two go ahead."

We both nod. Before we're out of the camp, Shelby shouts to us, "Actually pick flowers!"

I don't turn back but hold up a thumbs up while we walk away. Toni chuckles next to me, following me into the forest. We find a few flower bushes, gathering the most colourful ones we can find, "You think we got enough?" Toni asks.

"Maybe a few more. Just to keep Shelby satisfied and show options." Toni nods at me. Continuing to pick flowers. I feel her gaze continue to glance at me, making me look up at her, 'It'll be nice. Maybe have some sense of normalcy. As much as you can get out here."

"Yeah," Toni agrees, "Even if the actual party is shit, at least we can drink."

I laugh, "Yeah, that'll be nice." I feel Toni's eyes on me, so I stop and look at her, "What?"

"You just... haven't laughed in a while."

"I haven't?" Toni nods at me, "Yeah, I guess my minds just been a bit occupied." I mumble, turning back around to continue to pick flowers.

"Is it about the bad memory you mentioned?"

"Kinda. Maybe... I don't know," I whisper out, "I'm just trying to figure some shit out. I have all the time to think but feel like I'm getting nowhere with it. Even if I may possibly be getting somewhere."

"Is it about us?" Toni asks hesitantly, "Just, we haven't chilled much." Toni trails off.

"Oh, god no!" I turn around and face her, "Not about us. We're good. I love you." I reassure her. Toni smiles at me, nodding slightly.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now