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I woke up and everything was white. There was a beeping sound and I turned my head to see an IV line in into my arm. I tried to remember what happened last, my mind widening slightly as I remember being chased in the forest, then being dragged away.

My hand goes to my head, hissing slightly. I take a deep breath before trailing my hand along my scalp. It was along my head, just under my hair. Only noticeable by touch.

I remember pain in my side, so I lift up the white hospital gown, widening my eyes at a long stitch along the side, "Fuck." I whisper.

"Quite the fall you had," a voice speaks up. I jump and turn to see two men standing there, "Sorry to spook you. You, along with the rest of the group, have been through a lot. I'm Doctor Faber and this here is my colleague, Agent Young."

"The rest of the group?" I question, my heart picking up at the thought of the girls.

"You and the rest of the girls. They're very worried about you. You were quite lucky we found you all when we did." Agent Young says, stepping forward, "We started questioning the girls. Trying to find out what happened to you all on that island. Your parents have already been contacted-"

"Can I see them?" I ask, cutting him off.

"Based on what happened, we placed a quarantine while we monitor each of you." Faber says, trying to sound sincere, "We want to hear your side of the story. Your experience. However, you hit your head pretty hard. How much of the island do you remember?" Both of them watch me and it doesn't take a genius to know that they want to know if I remember the man, Nora, everything.

I try to keep a dumb look on my face as I furrow my eyebrows. I need to think like Leah- she wouldn't let them know what she knows.

"I, um, don't really know the days too well."

"That's okay," Faber says, giving me a kind smile, "What was the last thing you remember?"

I try to think of a good last thing to remember, "I-I felt like I was going crazy. The island was really getting to me," I say slowly, "I got into a fight with one of the girls, I ran, and then... nothing" I say, "I don't remember being rescued or how I got here."

I bite my lip and try to look anxious. The two of them are looking at me and I try to think quickly, "My-my head hurts and my side... how did it happen?"

"We've been trying to figure that out." Faber smiles at me, looking only slightly pleased, "Maybe if you tell us what happened, from the beginning, we can figure out how it happened."

"Not here," Agent Young steps forward, "We will show you to your room, let you rest, and then we will call you when we're ready."

I nod, looking around and trying to figure out how to handle this. The doctors walk in and disconnect me from the IV.

The doctor hands me some clothes, turning me around and allowing me to change. I examine the beige long sleeve and pants. My face grimaces and I sign, throwing on the clothes.

I clear my throat and the doctor turns around, smiling brightly, making me queasy.

The doctor guides me out of the room, Faber and Young waiting for me, and they nod before guiding me to my room.

This... institute, I guess, might be underground. The walls are concrete, there are no windows and I can't even see into the rooms behind the doors.

I try to see through the doors, see if I can spot any of the girls, but they're all gone.

My mind wanders to my last days. The mention of the boys, Nora... being dragged away. I try not to let my feelings show as I'm being lead. Instead, I try to find anything useful here.

When I get to my room, I let out a sigh. There's only a bed, a washroom and no windows. Just 4 concrete walls.

I sit down on the bed, my face scrunching up in pain from my side. I try to look around, but feel even more trapped than I did on the island.

Here, I am truly alone.


It was 2 days before I saw Young and Faber again. They came into my room and escorted me out to another.

There was just a table, chairs and there was a window. Probably a two way mirror. Probably.

"Is this when you question me?" I ask slightly.

"Talk only if you want to," Young says, slight compassion in his voice.

"Although, talking will help. Not only for letting us know what happens, but getting it off your chest. It's important to talk about trauma." Faber adds.

I look between them, feeling slight anger at the bullshit. But I let it go, try to play this smart. I can tell them only what I want, see their reactions.

Maybe, I have a bit of power here.

"Who'd you talk to?"

"Just Leah, Rachel and Dot." Young says. Faber gives him a look, but doesn't say anything further.

"We want all perceptions." Faber says.

"So," I start, "It started with this retreat my mom wanted me on, the Dawn of Eve. We were supposed to go to Hawaii, but obviously never made it..."

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now