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Most people were able to get the mussels out of their system, but everyone besides Shelby feel like shit. The worse being Toni and Martha who can barely keep their eyes open.

"Oh, come on, come on help me out, girl," Fatin says to Toni as she tries to give her some water, "Swallow, swallow bitch," She says while trying to give her water, "You see what you made me do. You made me sound like a rapey frat bro," If it was any other circumstance I would have laughed at that but right now all I can do is focus on Toni who looks like shit.

"My pants, I had to leave them," Martha says while laying down with a towel around her waist.

"Yeah, fuck pants. Now drink," Fatin says holding out the water to Martha who reluctantly takes it.

"is she... is she okay?" Martha ask. Fatin shakes her head before passing Toni over to me who rests on my lap. I look down at her basically unconscious figure with concern. Dot comes over to us and starts to check on Toni.

"Leah's gone to get the bag," Dot says. I nod at her but keep my eyes on Toni. Somehow I think she's gotten more pale than before.

"She better fucking hurry," I mutter while dragging the back of my palm across Toni's forehead to feel intense heat coming off of it, "I"m not... we're not losing anyone else."


Leah takes forever to bring the bag. Toni gets worse and when I look at Martha she's also not looking much better, "We used to fuss when the landlord dissed us," Martha sings, "No heat, wonder why Christmas missed us, Birthdays was the worst days, Now we sip champagne when we thirsty."

Leah finally returns with the bag and Dot takes it quickly to go find the medication needed, "Where the fuck is it?" Dot mutters. I turn to her concerned since I know Toni needs the medication, "What the hell happened to this bag? It's filled with dirt,"

Leah moves over to Dot and starts to stumble over her words, "that stuff you gave us, the antibiotic, that's gonna help right?"

"Yeah it'll knock out the bacteria and help most of us, but Toni and Martha need more. Halophen will help them keep water down and... and I know we've got two," Dot says. I watch as Leah comes running over to us and hands me one of the meds.

"I have meds for you," She breathes out dropping down next to me, "I have... I have a med,"

"She's really bad," Martha whispers out concerned as Toni mutters to Martha to not worry about it. Leah leans over Toni and tries to give her the medication. I let her take Toni and have her give Toni water.

"You gotta drink," Leah mutters to her. When Toni sputters the water out she starts screaming for Dot, "Dot! Dot!" Dot comes running over along with the rest of the group who watch Toni concerned.

"The other Halophen, it's fucking gone!" Dot says panicked.

"Oh, Lord. She's in bad shape," Shelby says coming over to Toni.

"This'll help, but there's only one," Dot says.

"Come on Dottie it's obvious who needs it most," Shelby says.

"Martha, you good?" Dot asks.

"Yeah, I'll take a Pepto. I'll be good," Dot nods at Martha and turns to Toni.

"Okay, Toni. I'm gonna need you to take this," Shelby says. Toni starts to mutter at Shelby to get away from her.

"Should Shelby be the one to do this?" Fatin asks in the back.

"I got this, alright? If I put this in your hand can you take it?" Toni once again pushes Shelby away from her.

"Fuck it, Shelby just give it to me! I'll just fucking do it," Dot says back. Shelby starts to yell at Dot and everyone starts to yell on what to do. I roll my eyes before pushing Shelby out of the way and straddle Toni. I put pressure on her nostrils to make her open her mouth before shoving the pill in and covering her mouth to swallow.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now