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I stay laying on the ground as Toni starts to tie her shoes up. I keep watching her as she moves. She turns to me and smiles lightly which I return. When she's finished she lets out a yawn, "Sorry, that was like some fucking weird Chewbacca yawn," Toni laughs making me chuckle.

"Yeah," I mutter, "Your hair isn't exactly helping either,"

"Shut up," Toni mutters giving me a small smile. I grab her hand with my ring on it and I smile at it before looking up at her.

"Do you feel bad about not bringing the lychee's right away?"

"No. But maybe we should go now. Go and save the day or some shit,"

"Yeah... what are we gonna tell them?"

"Whatever you want. I'll co-sign to it," I nod with a chuckle.

"I think you have to take the lead cause I'm a terrible liar," I laugh, "Or maybe the best since I had a secret relationship and all, but whatever," Toni looks down at Allie's necklace and furrows her brows at bit. I open my mouth to question her but she shakes her head at me.

"We should grab a bunch of these and go," Toni says and I nod at her. I take as many as I can grab before following Toni. We carry the lychees in our shirts and I take the time to examine Toni's backside. I smirk a bit when my eyes rest on her ass and she turns to me with her eyebrows raised.

"I could feel your eyes on my ass," Toni remarks.

"Well it's a nice ass,"

"It's a flat ass,"

"It's a good grab," I say smiling before Toni laughs and shakes her head and continues walking. I smile up at her before we continue to walk, "How was, um, you know?" I finally ask and Toni turns to me with a smile.

"I'm surprised I didn't get this question after the first time," I shrug at her and start to feel self conscious under her gaze. Toni comes over to me and gives me kiss on the lips. She lingers before pulling away and looking at me, "It was great, Em," I smile at her with a nod.

"Agreed," I mutter.

"Now come on, and this time you lead since I don't need your pervy ass staring at my ass any longer,"

"Oh you love it. Plus now you're just gonna stare at mine," I tease.

"Oh, fuck yes," Toni says and I throw my head back laughing before just sticking to walking next to Toni. I feel like there is something bothering her. Just, something feels... off. I don't want to pressure her in talking, but even her jokes don't feel fully in there.

We make it to the beach where I can see the group prepping a goat. I think Shelby may have found the animal, but I turn and see Martha covered in blood. I raise my eyebrows in surprise, "To think I thought we were gonna be the ones to sae the day," I say while we drop the lychees in front of the group.

"Looks like we've been upstaged," Toni announces.

"Hey," Dot says, "Where were you guys?"

I turn red and turn to Toni who looks at me before announcing that we got lost and didn't want to travel in the dark. I nod next to her and Dot throws me a confused smirk before nodding, "Martha, is that the goat?" I ask concerned as Toni turns to Martha in concern and walks over to join her. I let out a deep breath before taking a seat next to Rachel while Shelby works on skinning the goat.

"Where were you?" Martha asks Toni who shakes her head.

"Not important. Are you okay?" Toni asks while I look up at them. Martha doesn't reply and just gives Toni a tiny nod.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now