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**If you're confused on how this chapter began, I made an author note at the end explaining :) For reference, look back at the beginning of chapter 1:23**


I told them everything but the end. They still think I don't remember the last day. They think I somehow just forgot about the man. You know, for a group of people who orchestrated a kidnapping and trapping of teenage girls on a deserted island, they sure were fucking idiots.

They don't know that they gave me exactly what I needed.

Toni and I.

I asked when I could see her and they asked if I meant Toni. I made sure to not include my relationship with Toni in the story, whatever was left of it, and they told me all I needed to.

They asked if it was Toni I wanted to see.

I never told them about us. They assumed. I asked who they talked to, and I doubt Leah, Rachel or Dot would tell them about Toni and me. Leah was too smart, Rachel would focus on Nora, and Dot, I don't think she would care to include it.

The cameras. They were watching us.

Jesus, how much did they see? Did they see me and Toni all those times? As I'm walking back to my room, I feel bile rise up my throat. Once I'm inside, I run quickly to the toilet, throwing up whatever's in my stomach as my heart races.

When I'm finished, I pace around my room. There is no way I can sit in this room for any longer. i need to see the girls.

I stop when I feel warm liquid on my stomach. My eyes travel down and I curse when I see a patch of red on my sweater, "Fuck," I mutter to myself, lifting up my shirt, "I tore the damn stiches."

I walk over to the door, pounding on it, "Hey! Anyone hear me? I need help!" I shout. I take a step back when someone comes and opens the door.

"What?" Agent Young says to me.

"My stiches opened up." I say pointing to the blood stain on my sweater. Agent Young's face softens, nodding slightly as he leads me out of the room.

"Stay behind me. You're still supposed to quarantine and I can't risk you running into any of the others." I roll my eyes but follow anyways. I don't listen completely, instead opting to walk next to him. I hear Young sigh, but he doesn't say anything to stop me.

My pace slows down when I see a person in the distance. I crinkle my eyes slightly to try and get a good look at them. At first, I think it might be one of the girls with short hair. However, it's a boy. Slightly muscular build, curly brown hair and his face is all purple and filled with cuts. Like he got the shit kicked out of him

All he does is smile at me. I furrow my eyebrows, my heart racing as he waves at me with a small smirk on his face.

I pick up my pace, looking over at Young to see he's still looking straight. I turn around and see the boy walk up to my hallway, standing in the distance behind me. My eyebrows furrow when there is no supervision. He's all alone.

When we get to the medical room, I just walk over to the bed and lift up my shirt to show the doctor the torn stitches. They ask me how they tore, I just shrug. They don't ask anymore and the room is silent while they work.

When they're finished, Young leads me back to my room. I look over the hallway where I saw the boy, but he's gone. Maybe when they try to talk to me again, I can see if I can figure out who that boy was. Maybe.

Although, I never got another visit to my room. It was a few days, but the next time my door opened, there was no one to greet me.

I was free to leave with no supervision.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now