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Everyone went to different parts of the facility to find supplies that are already here. When we regrouped, we were lucky to see a pile of food that was in the fridges, some medical supplies and other miscellaneous materials.

"Well," Dot started, "We're starting off a bit better than before. We have beds to sleep on, food, water, walls and a roof over our head to protect us from the weather. Who knows how long that'll last for." Dot mutters the last part but she has a point. Even though they're stuck here again, at least they have supplies.

"We don't know if the door will lock if we all leave," one of the boys, Rafe, says, "We should always have someone in here. Just in case the doors lock."

"We should make a rule to be back here before dark," Henry says, "So we don't get attacked by wild animals."

Kirin scoffed, "Again," he mutters.

I look over at Rachel and see her shuffle awkwardly. She hasn't spoken or made eye contact with anyone. For once she's been relatively quiet.

"We should still have jobs. We have more people now." Dot looks around the group as we all nod lightly.

"We'll have to learn to work together. Maybe, we can talk a bit about what we did on the island. figure out what worked for each group and where things went wrong." Marty speaks up. Her eyes glaze slightly. Toni places a comforting hand on her shoulder since as the girls know what she's talking about- when Marty went basically comatose.

"Some us of already seem to know." Kirin says looking at Leah.

"It doesn't really matter what happened on the island before," Leah says, "All that matter is what we are going to do moving forward. How the fuck are we gonna beat Gretchen?"

"Can we even?" I ask, "I mean, she had us all on an island for almost 2 months-"

"Woah, almost 2 months?" Nick says looking at me.

"Yeah, shit. We were on the island for like, what, 30 days?"

"Lucky you." Toni tells him in a sarcastic tone, making the tall blonde boy glare at her.

"Why put us together now? Why not just let us off this damn island!" Scotty says, yelling the last part towards the outside. Bo puts hand on Scotty's shoulder, silently telling him to shut up.

Leah looks at them and her eyes light up ever slightly, "An experiment," she says, "look, I don't know if I'm right, but I've been doing pretty good so far. From what Rafe told me, and what we experienced, we all sort of have a parallel to each other."

"A what now?" Kirin says.

"Parallels," Leah answers, looking around, "Yeah. We got the same numbers, some of us got similar personalities. Maybe some of us had similar roles."

"Get to the point." Toni says. Kirin waves a hand at her in agreement. This only makes Leah smirk slightly.

"Well, we all sorta had the same stories, kinda. Bo, Scotty, Toni and Marty- you guys were best friends before coming. Rafe, Josh, Fatin and I- we went to the same school yet didn't know each other. Shelby, Dot, Kirin and Ivan- you guys went to the same school too and had tension when you first came. Emma and Nick, well, that's-" I raise my eyebrow at her and Leah clears her throat, "lastly is Rachel, Nora, Seth and Henry- siblings."

"Seth? Who's Seth?" Shelby speaks up, crossing her arms as she looks around.

"My step-brother... he, uh." Henry spoke slowly looking around at the boys before his eyes landed on Josh, "We had issues with him. He isn't with us anymore."

"Neither is Nora." Leah whispers, "She was in, with Gretchen, is there any way Seth might have been as well?"

"We weren't exactly close." Is all Henry said.

"What did Seth look like?" I ask from the side.

"Brown curly hair, glasses, really not that tall, a completely power junky assh-" Kirin starts to speak and stops with a roll of his eyes when most of the boys glare at him.

"Was he like, super messed up? As in beat up, a lot." I ask again.

"Yeah Rafe beat the shit- ow fuck!" Kirin glares at Henry who punched him slightly.

"I saw him, I think," I say, "maybe.. fuck I don't know."

"Wait you saw him?" Rafe says quickly, running over to me.

"I think, maybe. When I was going to the infirmary to get my bandages changed there was a guy around our age who was really badly beaten up talking to some of the workers. He smirked at me... I didn't get a great look, but I don't know."

"Well shit," Dot says, "this is all fucked."

"This is all speculation, right now." Henry steps forward, "we have no proof."

"He's right," Rachel says, speaking up as her body shakes slightly while she thinks of Nora, "Our main focus has to be surviving again until we can figure out a way off of this shit island."

"Yeah who was the wilderness person of your group?" Shelby asks looking at the boys. They all point to Henry, making most of the girls glance at each other as they were thinking about Leah's theory.

"What about you guys?" Josh asks as the girls point to Dot.

"Okay, why don't you guys think of some ways to maybe communicate with the outside world. The rest of us can start to assign jobs and... prepare for all of this again."

Everyone looks around. No one really has a better idea so they nod and follow the bald girl out the room. I shoot Dot a brief smile before making my way towards the girl.

I look over at Toni to find her already staring at me. Her eyebrows are slightly furrowed and she takes a step forward, but I move faster next to Fatin.

I just don't really know what to say or think right now.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now