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"She still up there?" Dot asks the group who turns and sees Emma's figure sitting on the cliff. Toni watches from the side with a concerned look on her face. She just nods at Dot, "Okay, well I was gonna ask first but we gotta see if she has anything useful in here," Dot says turning Emma's bag upside down so her stuff falls out. There isn't much- two books, a dead phone, and two photos. Dot picks up the one of Emma, Allie, and Ethan turning it to the group who's huddled over her stuff, "Who's this?"

"The guys her brother. The blonde girl is Emma's friend," Martha says recognizing them. Fatin grabs the second photo and lets out a low whistle.

"Doesn't seem like just a friend," She says showing the photo to the group. In it is a print out of Emma kissing the blonde girl who she has up against the wall. The blonde girl has her arms wrapped around Emma's neck as Emma's hands are placed on her waist, just under the shirt slightly, "And to think I thought Emma's type was a Marcus," The girls laugh slightly at the comment.

"Hey look, isn't this the necklace she's always wearing?" Dot asks the group showing them the photo of the three. In it Emma's in the middle sticking out her tongue with her arms around the two people. When you look closely to the blonde you can see Emma's small sun pendant.

"Yeah... and isn't that the ring she has around her neck?" Rachel says grabbing the photo and looking at the ring placed on the guys middle finger.

"Damn her brothers hot. Like I would easily fuck at a party, no question. I guess Emma is to so," Fatin says placing down the photo she was holding and grabbing the photo of the three to examine it closer. Toni goes over to the photo of Emma and the blonde, picking it up with her eyes furrowed.

"Guys... I really don't think we should be looking at these. They seem private," Martha says, worry in her voice.

"Yeah... this doesn't feel right," Shelby says. She looks at the photo of Emma and the blonde, clear discomfort from the sight of it. Not that anyone knew, but it wasn't the invasion of privacy she was feeling uncomfortable with; but rather, the look of the two girls kissing in the photo. Everyone is too busy looking at the private photo's, they never noticed the girl leaving the cliff and walking down to the group.


After I've cleared my head from the incident I make my way back to the group. I furrow my eyebrows at the fact that they're huddled around something. I feel my heart drop a bit when I get closer and recognize my backpack, "Hey... what are you guys doing?" I ask the group while approaching them.

"Emma, I had no idea you were into blondes," Fatin says with a small smirk. I furrow my eyebrows at her before looking over at Toni and feel my heart drop when I see the photo that sits in her hands. I march over to her and rip the photo out of her hands before going over to Fatin and taking the other one.

"What the fuck is your guys problem? Ever hear of this thing called fucking privacy!" I yell at them causing them all to look at me in shock.

"We neve-" Dot starts but I cut her off.

"What? You never fucking heard of it?" I snap. I turn around and examine the photo in my hand.

"Dude chill," Rachel says and I whip my head towards her. Tears already start to run down my face and she looks at me in complete shock.

"Don't tell me to fucking chill, Rachel! You don't know fucking shit. You're just some fucked up diver who's always blowing her shit up. You've judged me the minute I got here, so don't tell me to fucking chill!"

"Em," Toni starts but I whip my head towards her causing her to stop. I choke back a sob. The group doesn't know what to do since they've never seen me like this. Sure I've had a few snap remarks, but not this. I feel my breathing go crazy and I don't hesitate to turn around and run away from the group, "Emma!" I hear the girls yell. I feel footsteps following me but I run fast enough so they don't keep up. When I get far enough away I lean against the tree and let everything I've held in come out.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now