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Toni and I get back with still a lot of daylight left. Not going all the way to the cave really helped with that. She keeps looking at me and smiling. I keep doing the same, but I feel a red tinge reach my cheeks each time we make eye contact. Toni offers me a piggy back, which I take, and we arrive back on the beach with my arms wrapped around her neck while hers are placed on my thighs to keep my up. I bite my lip knowing that before her hands were all over the place.

She definitely can finesse.

When we get to the group I see they're playing Uno. I get off of Toni's back and sit next to Fatin who nudges me, "Guess we can add you to the list of people who's gotten off on the island,"

"You're just jealous," I say teasingly while Fatin nods.

"Yes bitch, I am," I laugh, "How was it?" I look over at Toni who I can see is watching us talk. I bite my lip before turning to Fatin and nodding. Fatin laughs before pushing my shoulder and I fall down laughing.

"I really like her," I mutter to Fatin, "Like, a lot,"

"I know," Fatin smiles at me, "I could spot the sexual tension from a mile away. I'm happy for you, Em. You deserve it, both of you," I nod at her.

"Guys! You guys!" Martha shouts finally coming back to the group, "Guess what I just saw! Holy shit, I just saw Marcus. He's alive!" I furrow my eyebrows at her in confusion. Dot asks her to go and show the group but I stay sitting when they get up.

"You coming, Em?" Toni asks and I shake my head.

"It's alright. I'm a bit tired,"

"Of course you are," Fatin tells me with a wink, which makes the other girls laugh.

"Funny. Have fun jumping our newfound Pinocchio. Truly, I'll be happy for you," Fatin winks at me before the group heads out. Toni walks next to Martha to keep an eye on the extremely high girl. I lay down on the sand and close my eyes. I let out a deep sigh and let myself enjoy the quiet.


After some time I feel someone come sit next to me and I open my eyes to see Shelby sitting next to me. She's still drunk as shit.

"Hey," I say sitting up. Shelby looks at me and nods lightly.

"You and Toni were gone for a while,"

"Oh, yeah. We were just... walking," I reply while Shelby nods. I turn and look out at the water. It stays in an awkward silence, "Hey Shel-"

"We're back!" I hear Dot call.

"And look who we found again!" Fatin yells as she runs over with Marcus in her hand.

"How the hell was he in the forest? He was like, drifting off into the ocean?" I question. Fatin shrugs as she places Marcus next to me.

"That's what I was wondering," Leah mutters while her head goes off into the distance. Toni comes and sits next to me. I smile at her before turning back to Shelby who I see has moved spots. The vodka back in her hands. I let out a sigh before the group takes out the Uno cards and starts to play again.

When dark comes I can see most people are starting to mellow out. Martha is still slightly fucked but a lot of the high is wearing off. She places a blanket on Marcus while Dot puts a hat on him.

"So, who gets to keep him?" Dot asks, referring to once we get off this island.

"Leah gets my vote," Fatin says, "Help make the transition from Jeff to whoever's next,"

"We could just pass him around. Like the Stanley Cup," Martha suggest, "Like how they do all over the USA. You know, like, USA! USA!" She then points to Shelby, "Oh Shelby, I know how you love America so much. USA! USA!" Shelby doesn't respond though, she just keeps her numb, blank face.

"You think she's okay?" Toni asks Fatin over my shoulder. Fatin gives a small shake in her head before heading over to Shelby with her hairbrush.

"Hey," Fatin says, "You might want this. There might be a photo-op frenzy when rescue gets here," Fatin hold out the hairbrush to Shelby who takes it and starts to brush her hair.

"Thanks," Shelby mutters. Her hair starts to tear a bit as the brush gets deeper into her hair. I watch as Fatin tries to help.

"Here, let me get it-"

"No I got it," Shelby replies as she continues to struggle with the brush.

"Are you sure? Cause it's really deep,"

"Yep, yep," Shelby mutters while Fatin takes her hand and starts to try and grab the brush, "It's stuck," Shelby mutters before starting to panic and pull the brush out. Fatin tries to calm her down but Shelby continues to panic. I jump up from my spot and start to walk over but stop in my tracks, "It's all ruined it's all ruined," Shelby mutters as she continues to cry. Fatin is confused by Shelby's continuing repetition of 'It's ruined' before Shelby grabs the pair of scissors and cuts her hair off, "I don't fucking want it!" Shelby yells, "I don't fucking want it. I don't want it," Fatin makes eye contact with me confused as to what's going on. I watch as Shelby cuts her hair off. I go up to Shelby and take ahold of her shoulders.

"Shelby," I mutter, "Stop. It's okay. Please, it's okay," I mutter as Shelby drops to her knees and falls into me crying.

"I don't want it," Shelby mutters again.

"It's okay," I repeat. I make eye contact with Toni who's watching from the side concerned, "You're okay, Shelby. It's okay. There's nothing wrong with it," Shelby slowly pushes out of my embrace and shakes her head before walking away. Fatin looks at me but I shake my head before going back to sit with Toni. Toni takes my hand.

"You did all you could. Just give her time," Toni whisper.

"Let's hope that helps," I mutter. I watch as Leah is the one who goes after Shelby, "Cause the hardest person you have to love is yourself," I mutter.

Hey guys! If you noticed I changed the cover and name. I was never completely in love with the original name but never knew what else to call it!

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