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"Uh, these are not as good as I remember," Dot says as she bites into the Takis. It's been a few hours now and no one has seen or heard from Toni. I tried asking Martha about her but she refuses to talk about her. Dot holds out the bag of Takis to Shelby.

"We didn't win."

"It's alright," Dot tells Shelby, "We are all in this cluster fuck together," Shelby takes the bag giving her a small smile. She passes them to me but I shake my head lightly before she passes them to Leah.

"All I taste is dry," Leah comments.

"Hey, mind if I have some?" Rachel asks lightly, "And I'll be careful not to make any sudden movements, you know? You might be pretty jumpy sitting next to a psychopath," I furrow my eyebrows and follow Leah's eye to Fatin. I let out a sigh knowing that there's more shit going on in the group.

"Aren't we even like, I don't know, a little bit worried right now?" I ask the group who seem to have no concern that Toni isn't back.

"She'll be fine," Martha dismisses. I make eye contact with Shelby who I can see has some concern as well.

"Does anyone have any spare drinks they could loan me? I'm tapped out." Fatin says while tapping her empty can.

"Dude, we're all running low. You're supposed to manage your own rations," Dot replies.

"I'm surprised you're so thirsty it's not like you were exerting yourself," Leah tells her. I roll my eyes at the bickering since it's really not the time.

"It could be the sodium bicarbonate," Nora says.

"You know what, I'm sick of hearing this shit," Fatin says, "Let me ask you something, all of you. Whose hypoallergenic pyjamas were shredded to bind together log? And who's sweaters are keeping you guys warm? Some people provide good, others provide services. I'm a goods provider, therefore I get a pass-"

"That is such bullshit!" Leah yells cutting Fatin off, "You're the goods provider because you had the stupid fucking good fortune to find your fucking bag."

"You need to get your fucking talons out of my back, girl-" Fatin yells back. I get annoyed and leave the shelter, luckily being on the edge, and I let them workout whatever bullshit is going on now. I walk out towards the water and just lay myself down with my arms in my knees. It's only day 6 of this shit and I'm exhausted since everyone is at each others throats (well Rachel, Fatin, Shelby, Leah, and Toni). I grab onto my necklace, the one with Ethan's ring, and my other necklace. it's been out of my head for a bit with everything going on. I feel a tear run down my face.

"God I wish you two were here right now," I whisper. I start to walk back to the fire when I see Fatin on her suitcase, pulling two cokes out of someone else's stash, "If you're gonna take from someones stash, take from mine." I mutter to her. Fatin jumps slightly, almost knocking over the cans in the process.

"I wasn'-"

"Don't even. It's fine honestly." Fatin gives me a small smile. I go over and sit next to her by the fire, "Is everyone asleep?" Fatin nods at me and I nod slightly as a reply, "I'm gonna go out and look for Toni. No one should be out there alone right now. Look just take the two from mine and don't worry about telling anyone. If they ask just say I gave it to you- I'll back you up if they ask."

"Thank you," Fatin says lowly and I nod before turning away and walking out to try and find Toni. I shiver slightly so I rub my arms to try and find some warmth. I don't really know where to look but I start from where she first ran off. I see there's still some tracks left in the sand, I can barely see them in the dark but it's a start. I get farther down the beach and start to squint my eyes when I can see a figure running in the distance.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now