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When the sun starts to set Leah, Nora, Shelby, and Rachel get back with a crestfallen look. No one has to ask to know that they never found anything. Rachel no longer has the mirror that they took with them. They sit down at the fire in exhaustion. Shelby excuses herself for a bit of space. I watch as she walks away to wherever she needs to go. I look over at Leah who buries herself into her book. Getting lost into her own world, not that I blame her. I jump a bit when I hear a loud thump and turn to see Shelby returned with a black bag. Dot comes over to look for anything useful.

Dot grabs the piece of identification on the bag and sees it's the pilot, "You know sir, I don't have a good feeling about where you're at right now, but the shit you left behind will not be wasted."

"Don't be morbid Dottie." Shelby says. I look into the bag and pull out a whole medicine cabinet.

"Uh, well, sorry, but this is a haul." Dot starts, "pain pills, disinfectants... basically a whole medicine cabinet." Shelby turns to Martha and Toni holding a bag of pills.

"Alright, you ma'am are gonna be ship-shape in no time." Shelby tells her.

"I've only ever had the store brand kind before." Martha gushes at Shelby, thanking her. I keep my eyes on Toni who looks like she could throw up in annoyance at the situation.

"She didn't buy them for you. She had some dumb fucking luck." Toni mutters but Martha ignores her and continues to look up at Shelby in admiration. I snort a bit which gets Toni to look at me. She scowls and I smirk at her, which only makes her more annoyed. Shelby walks back over to them after Dot gave her some more medicine. Once Shelby asks Martha how to say 'thank you' in Native American Toni gets up to move away. I nod my head to the spot next to me and Toni grumpily walks over.

"Trouble in paradise?" I ask her in a teasing tone.

"shut up." Toni mumbles while she starts to play with the sand. She keeps her eyes on Martha, who doesn't make the situation better by inviting Shelby to sit in Toni's old spot. Toni watches as they giggle at each other, and I can feel the jealousy seeping through her.

"I know it seems personal but don't make it." I tell her. She turns to me her eyebrows furrowed, "They're just finding comfort in each other. It's not a personal attack on your friendship."

"Stop trying to understand the situation cause you don't get it. All I'm doing is trying to protect my best friend." I raise my eyebrow at Toni and turn to Martha and Shelby.

"From a blonde beauty pageant queen?" I laugh lightly shaking my head, "Even if she was capable of hurting Martha that's not your problem. You gotta let Martha act the way she wants, and if it's a mistake, then you be there for her to pick her back up."

"Whatever." Toni mumbles, "You don't get it."

"I get trying to protect your best friend. I do have one you know. Besides, I get the whole possessive jealousy thing over someone else taking your best friend."

"You talk like they're still here." Toni mumbles. I look over at her, hurt clear in my eyes. Toni opens her mouth to say something but I beat her to it.

"Doesn't mean they're not my best friend anymore."

"I know-"

"No, Toni. You don't know."  I get up and dust my legs off. I walk over to the group and don't turn around to her again. Even though I can't see her, I can feel her guilty eyes burning in the back of my head. I grab onto my necklace and lean my head on Fatin's shoulder, she being one of new favourite person out of the bunch, besides Dot since without her we'd probably be dead by now.

I make eye contact with Leah who gives me a sad smile. I return it and turn my gaze to the fire, releasing a deep sigh to try and calm down. Not that anyone can really see the war going on inside of my head.

I go out to the beach once the sun sets. I feel eyes on me, but I'd rather be alone. I don't know what it is but I've always enjoyed just watching water. Ethan and I used to go to the beach all the time and just watch it. Both knowing that it was something that calmed each other, twin thing, I guess. I turn to look down where Nora and Rachel are talking. They seem to find peace in each other, grabbing hold of the others hand. I grab onto my necklace with Ethan's ring, it's as close as I can get to that again. I feel my throat choke a bit as I watch the twins.

"H-hi." I hear a timid voice behind me and I turn to Toni.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"To not feel like an asshole." Toni replies.

"Well that's a hard task." Toni snorts and sits down next to me. She follows my gaze to the twins, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I mumble. Twirling his ring in my hand.

"Yeah, but, it's not." I turn to Toni who's now watching me, "I was out of line."

"Yeah." I tell her, "But it's fine. I shouldn't comment on your relationship with Martha."

"Is that your brothers?" Toni asks, pointing at the ring dangling around my necklace. I nod lightly and look at her. She keeps her gaze on the necklace, "Who's necklace?" I shrug at her, not really wanting to get more into it. She nods and doesn't speak again. We just continue to look at the ocean, somehow finding peace in one another and the fucked up situation we found ourselves in.

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now