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No one moved. No one made a sound as they looked out at the familiar horizon of a brand new island. Once again, the group is stranded. However, both parties are joined by a new number of unfamiliar people.

Well, almost unfamiliar. 

"Um," Dot clears her throat, deciding to break the tension, "Guess introductions are in order, huh. I'm Dot." She glances at the group of guys who are all looking around.

"Sort of," One of the guys says, "Seems some of us are already acquainted." His eyes shift between to pairs. Leah and a guy with brown curly hair and a sweet expression. His eyes then shift to me, while I'm holding my stomach, and Nick. Neither pair speaks so the guy sighs, "I'm Scotty."

"Bo." His friend says from beside him. 

"Ivan." A flamboyant boy says as he picks his nails and looks around. The blonde next to him, rolls his eyes and leans back, "Kirin." 

The boy with glasses and sort of goth demeanor mutters, "Aidan." without a care as he looks around at the group of girls, ready to hear their names. 

"Shelby." The newly bald girl says.

"Martha." Martha says. She turns to Toni who is watching them with arms crossed, "This is Toni." She says for the girl who doesn't glance her way.

Fatin glances at each boy, "Fatin." She says quickly, also hesitant.

Leah and I stay quiet as they both look out at the island. I lean on the wall of the building as she moves her eyes to the ground.

"Rachel." The girl says as she crosses her arms, hiding her stump when she notices the boys looking at it.

"What happened to you?" Kirin says, lack of empathy which the girls are confused by but the boys are used to.

"Shark. Happened while we were stranded." Rachel says quickly, glaring at the boy who raises his hands. His eyes glance at each girl. Half are injured, bald or just look like shit, "You all look like shit."

"Yeah, well, you don't look so hot yourself." Toni fires back, "We clearly went through more shit than you though."

Before the blonde boy can reply to the hothead brunette, Ivan steps forward with an annoyed look, "Can we just finish introductions and move on. That's Josh, Nick and Rafe." He says, pointing to the last three boys, "We had one more but..."

"Yeah, so did we." Rachel says softly. 

Ivan nods lightly, turning to the last few that haven't introduced themselves yet, "Can we be let in on this party now?" He points between Leah, Rafe, Nick and me.

"Yeah, how'd you know who we were." Kirin asks, still confused how Leah knew who Kirin and Aidan were and why Rafe already trusts her, "And who the fuck are you?"

"Leah," She says quietly, "I met Rafe earlier. He told me about you guys... I thought I fucking had Gretchen. She was one step ahead."

"Ahead of what?" The blonde asks.

"Of us," I finally speak up, "Keeping us on this stupid island. It wasn't an accident it was planned."

"Planned?" Josh squeaks, "How do you know?"

"Figured it out while we were stuck... It's complicated." Leah speaks up, crossing her arms, "It's some sort of social experiment-"

"Fucked up one." I say, making Leah nod.

"Gretchen's the leader of it." Leah finished the sentence.

Dot steps forward to Leah, "So all those times you were going nuts, you were actually right?" And she turns to me, "You were too, kinda?"

Changes // Toni Shalifoe (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now