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Able began running towards you at inhuman speeds.

Instinctively you grabbed one of your throwing knives, whipping it towards him-

It hit precisely where you'd wanted it to-

His left hand.

The blade in his hand slipped to the floor as he howled not in pain- but in pure rage, as his wild grey eyes seemed to focus on you and he flew towards you with renewed fury.

You barely managed to dodge the blade he swiped at you, grabbing a hold of one of his ankles as you dove to the floor, ripping it out from under him, making him topple to the floor.

You took this split second opportunity to rip your axe out of your belt loop, holding it over you just in time to block an overhead swing from Able.

The weapons locked, sparks flying past your head as you grabbed both ends of the axe in an attempt to keep Ables sword at bay.

Finally you made the risky decision to take one hand away, grabbing onto another small throwing knife.

Holding onto the knife you mustered every bit of force you had and slammed the blade in between his right shoulder and neck-

This somehow managed to shock the SCP enough that you were able (badum tiss- I'm sorry I'll stop😂)
To land a harsh kick to his stomach sending him back two feet.

His blade connected with your axe, and they continued to meet as the weapons seemed to dance through the auditorium.

Despite his injuries Able showed no signs of feeling them-

He almost seemed to be enjoying this fight, the maniacal smile not leaving his face.

It been quite some time since someone had given him this much challenge.

He intended on trying to enjoy it as much as he could.

You ripped some sort of rope off a nearby wall-

Raveling it up like a whip before throwing it and diving across the gym floor and grabbing the other end so that it would wrap around the others legs before ripping them out from under him once more.

You practically dove across the floor, axe held above your head before it connected with his chest.

He gasped and suddenly blood spattered from his mouth.

Growling, his hand wrapped around the axe in a desperate attempt to pull it out.

His sword had turned into dust.

Your hand grabbed a hold of his wrist.

"Stop....It's okay."

The Scp almost seemed to scoff.

"I don't need your pity-"

He grunted, still stubbornly pulling at the axe.

He might have been a killing machine but-

Part of you felt sorry for him, after hearing about his backstory.

You gently squeezed his wrist as he struggled to breath.

"We'll fight again soon. I promise."

You replied, finally pulling his hand away from the axe and surprising yourself when you carefully took a hold of it.

Your gaze stayed trained to his as his eyelids begin to droop, feeling heavy.

It wasn't the fact that he now saw you as a worthy opponent and would be focused on trying to defeat you more then others that bothered you.

It was the look in his eyes before he slowly faded away.

They held an almost Child-like sadness.

He disintegrated away, leaving your axe to clatter against the floor just as security personnel burst into the room.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now