I can't

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His chapped lips felt scalding against your neck.

The moment you'd managed to free your mouth, his lips immediately began to attack your neck, licking, sucking and biting where ever he could reach.

You bit back a moan, squirming against him.

"Able- Able, stop-!"

barely managing to cry out, you pushed against his chest.

Suddenly his lips stilled.

His arms tightened around you, and instead of pulling away he buried his face further into the crook of your neck.

He was taking deep, shaky breaths as if to calm himself.


You questioned hesitantly.

A soft growl of frustration against your neck made you shudder.

He squeezed you again, nuzzling your neck before murmuring.

"I just don't fucking get it..."

His teeth nipped at your neck again, making you flinch.

"For Ten-thousand years-"

He ran his tongue across the bruise.

"-I had no desire for this what so ever....not for women let alone men."

His fingers squeezed your thighs hard enough to bruise.

"So why....why do you do this to me...?"

He pulled away slightly, your cheeks brushing against one another.

His hot breath tickled your neck.

"If your not there then I'm fine...but every moment I'm around you I feel like I'm going to lose it."

Hesitantly, you brought a hand up to stroke his still damp hair.

He leaned into it, allowing himself to fall into you more.

"Able....we shouldn't be doing this."

He seemed to ignore the statement, instead cuddling into your neck more and nuzzling it with the tip of his nose.

Running a hand up your side, under your shirt he made your breath hitch.

"Why not..."

He muttered.

You inhaled sharply.

"The f-foundation-"

"The foundation what? Will care if I fuck you? And that's if they even find out..."

"Able it's not-"

"-it's not what? Y/n tell me you don't want to."

"What I want doesn't matter-"

"-but you said what I wanted did..."

He interjected in a soft tone.



You went silent.

Able searched your face for anything.

"I...I don't want this..."

You lied.

"Then why are you moaning my name for me...?"

He replied in a hushed tone.

"The sounds you make..."

He purred, his face coming close again.

"...Are driving me fucking insane...you have no Idea how much it made me want you."

You glanced at Ables lips.

You're a fucking idiot.

Locking your arms behind his neck you pulled him closer, kissing him deeply.

Able practically purred, pressing himself against you once more.

You kissed back guiltily, several days worth of sexual tensions and frustrations being laid out bare and making themselves known.

"If we get caught..."

You whispered hotly.

"...I'm blaming you."

Able chuckled against your lips.

"Wouldn't be the worst sin I've committed."

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now