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(You've finally managed to get Able to work with the foundation. Doesn't mean he won't be a smartass about it though)

"Were you even listening?"

"Yes, it just takes me a while to process so much stupid at once."

You sighed and ran a palm over your face.

"How exactly is the chairman watching your progress 'Stupid' Able?"


"Yes, Able?"

"You said I needed to learn to be more social right?"


You replied.

"So what would be the nicest way to tell the chairman I want to smack him over the head with a chair?"


You began, only for a security guard to come over and murmur in your ear.

Nodding at the man, you pulled away.

"What did he say?"

Able questioned annoyed.

"We have a mission soon."

You replied.

"For what?"

"I don't know yet."

"That sounds counterproductive."

Rolling your eyes, you took the opportunity to swiftly take the gun from him.

Able gave you an annoyed scowl.



The lead agent greeted, trying to come off as cool and collected.

Though everyone in the room seemed to eye Able warily.

Able could sense this, and merely sat smirking to himself.

Half the room couldn't believe you stood directly next to the SCP, seeing as he could easily turn and snap your neck if he wanted to.

"Hello Captain Hurn....fancy seeing you here."

You replied jokingly.

"What's this mission about, and who needs to die?"

Able suddenly chipped in, making the whole room flinch.

"Murder wasn't on the agenda today."

You sighed.

"It's not on anyone's."

The captain added.

"No, it's on mine just not until next thursday."

Shooting Able a dirty look and shaking your head in disbelief you flicked your gaze back to the captain.

"Can you not be a smartass for five seconds?"

You whispered.

"Aw you think I'm smart?"

Able whispered back.

"No currently I'm only seeing the Ass part."

Able grinned at you before snickering, receiving your elbow in his ribs.

This made SEVERAL field agents jump, expecting retaliation.

Able huffed out a chuckle.

Everyone shuddered. (Except you.)


Captain Hurn began again, awkwardly clearing his throat.

"We've gotten wind of an ancient artifact with anomalous properties. Though after numerous surveillance it appears to be guarded by several entities. We need a team to retrieve it. It's located in the mountain regions of Norway."

"So....we have to travel to the foundation that's located in Norway first?"

"Yes, that's where you would be reporting in. We'll give you the files and information needed. You'll need to be ready in two days. Now go get caught up on the information. Your dismissed."

Everyone began to leave, but you looked over at Able.

"Okay, what did I do?"

Able scoffed.

"What do you mean?"

"You look like you wanna rip my head off."

"Sorry, that's just how my face works."

Just as the two of you were preparing to leave yourselves, another group entered.

You still stood closely next to Able, not really paying heed to them.

"Yes but can you at least try to be a little less-"

"What is he doing out of containment?!?!"

The voice of a woman cried in disbelief.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now